The NYC fest will, COVID19 permitting, happen on July 26th in Union Square Park. In Klagenfurt am Woerthersee, Austria, the festivities will be run from July 5th – 11th. I can’t find a 2020 fest for San Francisco but this combo of awesomeness – paint AND au naturelness – went down in 2016 and in 2018.
L.A. has Nude Art L.A., which isn’t all nude bodypaitning BUT it IS all about art and nekkidness Nothing listed, as yet, for this year BUT, hey, that could change.
Insanely brill pics from the 2015 World Fest in Austria at the linky.
There’s a World Living Statues Festival in Arnhem, the Netherlands each year. Living Statues – you know, the painted up street performers who stand still as…well…statues until they wink at at passing tourist or SLOWLY shift position.
There’s an erotic art festival in Seattle. This year, again – COVID19 permitting, it’ll take pace next month, April 24th-26th.
The Seattle Erotic Art Festival is an experience unlike any other festival or gallery you have likely ever attended. Over the course of three days, a curated selection of some of the finest erotic art the world has to offer will grace the floors of the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall, awaiting your perusal and enjoyment. (source)Is erotic art the same as porn? No but that’s all in the eye of the beholder. Dig? Fer instance, I imagine a whole lotta those assholian uptight evangelicals would consider Botticelli’s Birth of Venus…erm…questionable, borderline, almost Hustler-esque.
AND there’s the beautiful illustrations by Sara Boccaccini Meadows. Her work inspires me to do some more wall scribbles. Hells bells, I’m stuck in the house, I may as well go doodle-happy.
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