I mean...just LOOK at those fresh, fab babies!
Did I ever tell you about the Halloween night from my last carnival season? All us jointees dressed up. Me? I coated my skin, clothing (a body suit) and hair in bright, metallic silver powder and paint – I WAS the Silver Surfer.
We were playing Northline – a Houston shopping center. It was the last spot of the year AND a guaranteed jackpot. I needed a big score since, right after we sloughed, I intended to bunk off on my new adventure as an honest to chiclets, big time, real adult. (there was a serious delay but that’s another story or three).
I was running the bushel baskets – a kiddy game (calling, in a heavy drawl, “one in and you win” and “you cain’t win if you don’t play!”). Just FYI, "win" at least back then, on the midway, was pronounced as TWO syllables, not one. Like "wi-un" – short i, short u.
A black family came up to the counter and, after some happy patter, asked me about my silver skin – how’d I do it. I looked them up and down and, with a big, snarky smile, replied “That’s just rude. Have I asked you how you achieved your beautiful dark chocolate hue? I was BORN this way – weren’t you!” Lucky me, they laughed – they got that I was making an attempt at humor. PHEW!
So yeah, I guess being the Silver Surfer has been a lifelong dream….and shit.
“I am not a god. I have never created life... but I have lived. That is enough. So I will fight to preserve that same opportunity – to love, to dream, to soar among the stars – for all those yet to come. Many lives will be lost in the battle ahead – but their efforts will ensure that some remain to remember their deeds. And, like the gods, they will truly live forever... even after they are gone.”Ya Dude, I can SO dig it!
~ Silver Surfer (source)
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