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Monday, July 13, 2020

I'm Tired

I'm tired,
Tired of playing the game
Ain't it a crying shame
I'm so tired
God dammit I'm exhausted

~ Mel Brooks, performed by Madelyn Kahn in Blazing Saddles

Jen, Oni and I watched that new flick, The Old Guard yesterday.
The Old Guard is a “fairy tale of blood and bullets” following immortal soldiers whose lives are defined by conflict. They discover their immortality when they are killed (or, rather, not killed) on a battlefield, and spend the centuries after traveling the world in one cohesive group, fighting for what they believe to be right. (source)
Immortal” needs to be clarified – they are until they’re not. Essentially, they can live for a bazillion years.

My favorite characters? Nicolo and Yusuf. The whole crew (newbie Nile excepted) is stone weary of this living forever shit. Nicky and Joe, however, rock a fierce joie de vivre. They met…
…as enemy combatants when a Christian army lays siege to a Muslim stronghold. They discover their immortality by killing each other, and continue killing each other each time they revive. They always wake up together, ultimately deciding to keep that going permanently without the murder foreplay. (source)
Yup, they’re in BIG lurv and it is BEAUTEOUS!

Charlie Theron’s team boss is a quietly powerful, precise and intense storm. Shit, Charlie Theron could read the owners manual for my new elliptical and it’d be riveting.

The movie’s def on the somber side but it’s Fab City.

Back here in idiotic reality (a U.S. specialty):
Paul Waldron—the county commissioner for St. Johns County just south of Jacksonville, Florida—has tested positive for COVID-19 and is currently in the hospital in critical condition. Last week, Waldron voted against a countywide order requiring all residents to wear face masks as a way to prevent coronavirus infections. (source)
Ya know, I want to care. I want to be infused with empathy but for some reason I’m finding that elusive. Yeah, karma’s a beast from Hell and so am I.

Also, Jacksonville? Hmmmm, isn’t that where the Republi/Facists plan to hold their big convention next month? And isn’t Florida where they just had 15,299 fresh Plague45 cases, the highest number of new cases in a single day by any state?

The county Gooper Chair-scum, Dean Black, says Jacksonville will do whatever it has to do to make the convention work.
Translation: We don’t care how many people die so long as we can bow down to kiss Dear Leader’s incontinent ass.
Hey dipshits, have fun with the self-culling!
Winston was gelatinous with fatigue.
~ George Orwell, 1984
Election Day is 112 days away and it’s 191 days and five hours until that fetid pool of rabid treasonweasel shit is kicked to the curb. It is our responsibility as citizens to stay as healthy as possible (PUT ON YUR DAMN MASK!!!) so’s we can kick that fucker and his ghouls OUT.

I’m doing my part by staying indoors with Coco.


  1. Natural selection is a loathsome beast running amuck amongst the rubes. The upside is that through attrition the general intelligence of the world rises, impercibly at first then all at once...

    1. :-) Too bad it's not just the COVIdiots who are falling victim.

  2. The Old Guard sounds great. I just ordered the graphic novel from my library. 'Course, the way they're operating right now, it could be months before it shows up. That's ok, it'll be a delightful surprise when it does.

    1. The Thomas Crane is still shut BUT I THINK they're doing curb service. I just gotta figure out how this works.
