I woke, yet again, in full blown Courbet levels of stabby pain. A long string of expletives shot out of my crabby maw as I attempted to get this round chubby ass of mine up out of bed.
Yes, shit’s getting a little better every day but progress could be measured in microns (motherfucking, needle-dicked, rabid weasel humping, colostomy bag brained, son of a greedheaded Republi/Facist!). Also too, there’s that bullshit, two steps forward and one (sometimes three) back.
Yeah, the painkillers will kick in soon – just NOT soon enough for my tastes.
Meanwhile, THIS HURTS. Perhaps, this morning I’ve gone beyond Courbet and have achieved Munchness. Could be.
I only mention it but when I relayed this Buddhist pain crap to Ten just now. He laughed. Laughed! OK, so did I. Nevermind.
Just FYI, A. Lee Martinez is EXACTLY who I need to be reading right now. Fuck the fucking news!
By the by, did I mention? Ten is back home from the battlefields of Oregon. YEA, FUCKING YEA! As uszh, I’m feeling some embarrassment, a bit of discomfit along with a soupçon of chagrin that he’s come home to this weak-ass, needy howler monkey. Yeah, that’d be yurs fucking truly.
When he left I was still recovering (but well into Recovery Land) from bean slice-age and now it’s my back? C’mon now, this health shit’s really straining the bounds of reality, don’cha think? While I was indulging in my swear-a-thon, Ten ultra-graciously got me painkillers and brewed a pot ‘o’ joe. Swear ta Bast, I don’t know what I endured in my, theoretical, past lives to score such an awesome partner AND famiglia in this life.

An offhand observation – the reading matter in the OR waiting area has gotten MUCH better. FUCK that Golf Digest/Better Homes and Rattraps/Runners Mag shit! Last Friday was Marvel comics for the win!
More offhandedness – fellow blogger pal Infidel753 (a total fave) has one of his great random observations posts up – LOVE these! Two of ‘em that totes spoke to me:
Yes, shit’s getting a little better every day but progress could be measured in microns (motherfucking, needle-dicked, rabid weasel humping, colostomy bag brained, son of a greedheaded Republi/Facist!). Also too, there’s that bullshit, two steps forward and one (sometimes three) back.
Yeah, the painkillers will kick in soon – just NOT soon enough for my tastes.
Standing on the curb she called on ancient methods of biomanipulation to override the pain in her gut. It was only pain. Pain was an illusion, a feedback response from nerve endings transmitted to the brain. The brain couldn’t feel pain. The brain could only report pain from other parts of the body. Pain wasn’t real. Pain was just nerves doing their job. Pain was only a matter of perception.OK, I AM a Sōhei Warrior Monk and I will triumph, goddammit, TRIUMPH!!!
~A. Lee Martinez, Constance Verity Saves the World
Meanwhile, THIS HURTS. Perhaps, this morning I’ve gone beyond Courbet and have achieved Munchness. Could be.
I only mention it but when I relayed this Buddhist pain crap to Ten just now. He laughed. Laughed! OK, so did I. Nevermind.
Just FYI, A. Lee Martinez is EXACTLY who I need to be reading right now. Fuck the fucking news!
By the by, did I mention? Ten is back home from the battlefields of Oregon. YEA, FUCKING YEA! As uszh, I’m feeling some embarrassment, a bit of discomfit along with a soupçon of chagrin that he’s come home to this weak-ass, needy howler monkey. Yeah, that’d be yurs fucking truly.
When he left I was still recovering (but well into Recovery Land) from bean slice-age and now it’s my back? C’mon now, this health shit’s really straining the bounds of reality, don’cha think? While I was indulging in my swear-a-thon, Ten ultra-graciously got me painkillers and brewed a pot ‘o’ joe. Swear ta Bast, I don’t know what I endured in my, theoretical, past lives to score such an awesome partner AND famiglia in this life.

An offhand observation – the reading matter in the OR waiting area has gotten MUCH better. FUCK that Golf Digest/Better Homes and Rattraps/Runners Mag shit! Last Friday was Marvel comics for the win!
More offhandedness – fellow blogger pal Infidel753 (a total fave) has one of his great random observations posts up – LOVE these! Two of ‘em that totes spoke to me:
I will never tolerate being lectured on morality by people who eat meat. That would be absurd.Go, read, read.
I always find it a bit presumptuous when some American says "If such-and-such candidate wins, I'm moving to Canada." Why is he so sure Canada would want him?
Buddhists take things way too seriously.
ReplyDeleteI've long held we should give Texas back, but my Mexican cousins tell me they don't want it.
Lazarus Long said something to the effect 'it's best when lectured upon morality to keep one hand on your wallet, and the other your pistol. Something along those lines, though I'm sure he is referring to priests and preachers; and he is a turn of the century kind of guy, firmly rooted in the nineteenth with high hopes for the twentieth.
"Buddhists take things way too seriously"
TAB used to say the same thing about politicians re: keeping your hnad on your wallet :-)