I rilly, rilly needed to take a day off from…well, everything, yesterday. Lucky me, Bast sent me a SNOW DAY! It’s still October and we’ve got over four inches of the white stuff on the ground (NOT coke – down, Junior, down).
Today will be in the 40s and tomorrow we’ll hit the upper 50s so all the icy, slippery wet shit’ll be gone by Monday and I’ll be able to exercise/walk outside again. Yea?
After Thursday’s appointment with Barker, I’m even more motivated to hurry this damn recovery along. Warum? Though more brain surgery’s inevitable, I’m wicked keen on NOT having another go ‘round this winter. I was afraid that my pathetically lethargic pace of rehab (on top of that damn seizure) was a giant red flag, screaming CRANIOTOMY NOW!
Apparently, when a body (mine, fer instance) has two giganto neuro slice-ups in a row (such as moi – brain in January, spine in August), said bod’s recuperative powers slow way the fuck down.
I’m revising my PT regimen – yes, again. I’ll take shorter walks but more of them. I’ll do fewer elliptical minutes at a go but I’ll hop on the beast a few times each day. Same with my PT ex. Every other day, I’ll do as many balance exercises as I can manage but only two at a time. On the other days I’ll focus on strength building but just one ex per hour. Hopefully spacing shit out throughout the day will bring me along faster and stop sidelining me with pain so much.
2020, on top of all the other horror show bullshit, has been all about exercise, reclamation, rebuilding – survival. It’s a goddamned full time gig. I’m doin’ it too. I’ve got a talent for this shit. Or maybe it’s just that I’m just an intractably cantankerous old wall of bitchy obstinance? No disease is gonna be the boss of me!

and shit.
Oh yeah and today’s Halloween. I wonder, between Plague45 and all the snow, will anyone be trick or treating? I hope parents have the good sense NOT to send their kiddles out to catch/give COVID treats this year.
At our wee cottage, we never see any trick or treaters – our house is tucked behind Jen and Oni’s, down a longish driveway. Being a solid Bah, Humbug type, I’m fine with that. Yes, I was really into Halloween as a kid and enjoyed the hell out of the day well into my, purely theoretical, adulthood.
What changed?
The fluorescent orange Treasonweasel, his sycophantic minions and braindead fanbois made every day of the past four years a horror show. Who needs pretend scary when life on earth has become rabid Cerebus’s chew toy?
It’s astounding; time is fleeting; madness takes its toll.
~ Riff Raff
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