I don’t really have one. OK, I get dressed. I doff my robe and PJs and don clothes that can be worn outside the house without too much embarrassment. I guess I actually do have a sartorial statement…an inadvertent one.
Most days it consists of yoga pants and a tie-dye, band
or silly meme T. Now that winter’s almost on us, I wear a sweater or
hoodie too. Oh and metallic silver sneaks – always with the Silver
Surfer kicks.
Jen’s sart-stat is not much more elaborate than mine. Her pants have zippers and snaps. Sometimes she even wears a belt!
We’ve decided this requires all TOO much effort. We want easier clothing choices with the prime focus being comfort.

Second thought – we could become furries. What, the fuck, is a furry?
The term furry describes a diverse community of fans, artists, writers, gamers, and role players. Most furries create for themselves an anthropomorphized animal character (fursona) with whom they identify and can function as an avatar within the community.
A small subset of furries (~20%), called “therians,” believe they are spiritually connected to animals, are less than (or more than) 100% human, are an animal trapped in a human body, or were an animal in a former life.
More than 75% of furries are under the age of 25. Approximately 84% of furries identify as male, 13% female, and 2.5% are transgender. (source)
would this be great? Fur! We could be all warm and cozy in our suits,
just like Skitter and Coco. (It’s currently 36 measly damned degrees
out!) Our suits would be made of cat friendly, fake fur. (Tux for me. Calico for Jen) Yes, yezzzz, this is
really all about how Jen and I are, in point of exact fucking fact,
OK, key difference between us and cats – while we like to
eat treats, get patted, sit in the sun, sleep a lot and stare out the
window (keeping a keen watch on the world), we also like to watch
sci-fi/fantasy flicks, eat veggie Mexican, Indian and Thai, quaff vino
and other adult human bevs and float in geothermal heated pools. Actual cats? Not so much.
maybe we’re “furies” not “furries?”
– side note – furries have THE worst costumes. They all look like those
cheap-ass, nasty Mike dogs and Teddy bears that I gave out back in my carnie days.
No. I
just CAN’T be seen in cheap ass neon polyester. Nope.
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