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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Heat Wave

This is Massachusetts, fer fuck's sake. Valhalla is on the goddamn water. And yet...temps are supposed to hit 98º today. It’ll be close to that tomorrow too. Hells bells, Manhattan, usually much hotter than here, will only be 94º.

What the actual motherfucking fuck!!! I want my money back (yes, I'm going full blown Karen here) There'll be NO leaving the house today, dammit. All exercise will happen in the AC.

To steal from Tom Robbins, the air feels like an obscene phone call from nature. In my deaf case that'd be an
obscene text message from nature.

I know Martha was talking about a different kind of heat wave BUT her song is in my head all the same.


  1. Count your blessings. Here in the People's Republic of Portland it got to 113. I felt really sorry for the homeless campers. We had whole house AC installed two years ago, and it worked like a champ, but heard about power outages in the area, and were concerned. I wandered outside for a few minutes to see first hand how bad it was, but, damn, sprinted back inside in less than a minute...

    1. I thought about you over the weekend and hoped you and your wife were OK. 114º in Portland is ridiculous...just obscene. Yes, upper 90s suck but 114 would be unbearable.
