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Sunday, November 21, 2021

UPDATE: More good news

I was just informed that I need to go back to MEEI for more tests. My reprieve was amazingly short lived.
After five hours in the ER, the eye doc, in consultation with neuro-ops, diagnosed my vision drops as NOT having to do with my pesky meningiomas. YEA! He says the mini plunges are to do with my left eye becoming increasingly dry. I need to up my fake tear input and get new, stronger reading glasses.

This relatively good news should fill me with total glee—right? Yes it should. The problem here is that I'm so used to bad news that good is hard to trust. Plus, Plotkin's initial wrong take on, what turned out to be, my monster motherfucking spine meningioma, has me on edge about fast takes. Ya know 'has this been thoroughly considered and reviewed?' 

I'll get new glasses and see my main neuro-op AND my cornea specialist in a couple months. Meanwhile I'll stop freaking and enjoy the good news.


  1. AND! ... you're coming home Wednesday afternoon!

    Then you can deal with the cat ...

    1. I'm sorry that Coco is so deviously manipulative dear. :-)
