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Saturday, March 12, 2022

Has it always been like this?

This week alone:

  • Missouri is banning abortion access to women experiencing ectopic pregnancies (and meting out decades long jail terms to doctors who do their jobs—saving lives)
Scientifically, there is no debate – treatment is the best option. An embryo implanted outside the uterus has virtually no chance of surviving to birth. In a few rare instances, we have seen embryos grow for 12 to 13 weeks before they die due to insufficient hormone and nutrition supply. But when left growing that long, the embryo becomes large enough to rupture the patient’s fallopian tube, causing abdominal hemorrhage and even death. (source)
  • Florida’s governor, Disastrous DeathSantis indicates that his Don’t Say Gay bill is meant to prevent the “grooming” of children. As though the very mention of anything other than blonde heterosexual leanings would magically *POOF* transform a child into a gay sex slave. 

And Kansas, Tennessee and Oklahoma are totally hot to join the idiot train:
In the Kansas House of Representatives, for instance, lawmakers are looking to change its obscenity law to include classroom materials with “homosexuality.” A Tennessee House bill looks to ban classroom material that would “promote, normalize, support, or address lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) lifestyles.”
State Senator Rob Standridge also authored another bill, SB 1470, which would charge anyone at a school “directly or indirectly promoting positions in opposition to closely held religious beliefs” of students “$10,000 per incident, per day.” 

Party of Life’ my fat round ass.

Hey, I’ve got an idea—how about, just as a trial run and shit, Republi/Fascist fuckwads stop trying to kill us? Ya know, they could start by reading and understanding the goddamn constitution, practicing what they tweet (Marco Rubles, I’m lookin’ at your monstrously hypocritical conman ass) and just minding their own goddamn business.

I think I may well be suffering from Outrage Fatigue.

Heterosexuality is not normal, it's just common.
~ Dorothy Parker

If abortion is murder then blowjobs are cannibalism.
~ Oliver Markus Malloy, Inside The Mind of an Introvert 

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