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Tuesday, March 29, 2022


Jen scones for brekkie again—YEA!
It’s just a joke. Lighten up. It was funny.

I’m all too damn familiar with this line of unreasoning. It’s the go-to bullshit brush-off excuse used by bullies who get nailed when they say something they think is hilarious but is actually stupidly cruel.

It was just a joke
is another way of saying I’m an intensely needy prick who will make all manner of cheap dig in order to get other’s approval. No potshot is too low, too viciously heartless. It’s the cornered asshole’s defense when called out for being a piece of rabid weasel excrement.

It's the balking cry of all those fools who laugh at the bully's assholian japes. It was just a joke, they ignorantly defend.

It’s one thing to mock a person’s choice to have neon orange skin or another’s decision to be a shameless, money-grubbing, soulless tool or a person opting to be a murderous, chicken-hearted, whiney-ass, lying skidmark on the face of humankind.

Ridiculing the entitled fucking fucks who parade their privilege, who wield their license to jeer with slime soaked contemptuous smirks, is known as punching up. And that, mes amis, is my honor, duty and motherfucking right.

Ten got me a much needed dark choco-bunny!
Punching down is when some able-bodied asswipe makes crass cracks and snide remarks at my NF2-ed expense. Don’t do it. Not everyone will be gracious and long-suffering. Not everyone will just roll their eyes and ignore the puke-headed twat-brains amongst us.

I, generally, avoid naming names. I attempt to mask how I know or am related to whatever egregious snail trail I may be calling out. Even so, I’ve been threatened with the odd, utterly frivolous lawsuit. Amazing how thin-skinned a lot of bullies are.

Never insult a writer. You may find yourself immortalized in ways you may not appreciate.
~ Garrison Keillor
Now then, I’ve absolutely nothing that I feel the need to say about that business at the Oscars except this:
My Dudes and Dudettes, can we get back to talking about prosecuting the fascists who attempted to dismantle democracy (and are still working at it)? Can we stop the performative fussing about celebrity assholeness and return to talking about autocratic murderers?
Alright, I really don’t want to dwell on that either but I’m sure as shit sick of seeing every other damn to Tweet, “news” report and opinion piece devoted to making hay of the other night’s real but, in the grand scheme of things, minor rudeness.

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