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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

One Fine Dream, etc.

Bob Ray Starker and I needed to save the world (somehow) but first we just had to jam. I’d flown to Ohio to snatch him up for our noble mission from the gods—luckily I’d remembered to bring my horn. Yep, in this little nocturnal flick, I played tenor sax and played the hell outta it too.

Bob and I were on stage and on fire—trading riffs, laying down the hot licks and just generally showing how it’s done. We, simply said, killed.

What was our planet saving, heroic adventure? //shrugs// I left the dream on an up note—Bob and I were still onstage, wailing our hearts out.

Damn, that was one fine dream.
Yesterday, at the good Doc Plotkin’s office, I got the all clear to start my protonization. That and he scheduled my next raft of MRIs. Luckily, those will, again, be “open” (YEA!) and won’t happen until late August—a few months post proton-ing.

When did battling neurofibromatosis type 2 become my full time gig? A few years ago, you say? I only mention it but Ten and I’ve been a going concern, a shacked up entity for the past few years too.

We’re fast approaching the third anniversary Of Ten and Donna’s Excellent Adventure. I think we’re about due (overdue) for a road trip. Maybe once protonization is done, we’ll rent an RV and tour around New England.

I’d LOVE to do the Maine Pottery Tour but that’s happening smack dab in the middle of my radiation marathon. I don’t actually have the schedule for that yet but those dates (end of May/early June) may very well coincide with my peak fatigue time. We'll just have to see how things flow and shit.

Even if we can't make the pottery tour, there’s always Acadia National Park, Boothbay and Bar Harbors, the White Mountains in New Hampshire, the Green ones in Vermont, Quechee Gorge, Flume Gorge and Franconia Notch.

No doubt, along the way, we’ll find some human made art to look at too.

Too bad transporter devices aren’t a thing yet. If they were we could beam over to Iceland to wander around Aldeyjarfoss so’s we could gawk and marvel at the waterfall and basalt columns (natural pillars made of hardened lava, caused by the contraction of volcanic rock as it cools).

In the meantime, I live in Valhalla. There aren't any dramatic waterfalls or basalt columns, no moutains or gorges BUT that bay, with the not so distant islands, sure is nice.

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