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Tuesday, March 22, 2022


Word for the day:
a Japanese poem consisting of 31 syllables in 5 lines, with 5 syllables in the first and third lines and 7 in the others.

I can’t fucking sleep
No really, sleep eludes me
I fucking hate this
Nobody told me getting old
Would be so obscenely brutal

I don't believe I contain the usual grace or am otherwise destined, in any way, for classical waka beauty. Possibly I could be the Bukowski of waka?


Yesterday I took a walk using my ultra cool Drive Nitro rollator. This is the souped up, slick-city walker that Jen bought me three or four surgeries ago. Why haven’t I broken it out over this past year of ultra fraught, banjaxed ambulation? The Nitro is the Bugatti Chiron of walkers and I've needed a tricycle…with training wheels. I wasn’t ready.

It’s gonna take mindfulness and practice to master this beast. At this point, so that it doesn’t zip out of my grasp, I need to always keep the brakes lightly compressed.

Fascinating, n'est-ce pas? I only mention it but this recovery is just so fucking slow and endless, or so it seems. To be fair and all realistic and shit, I’ve had five mega intense neurosurgeries in the last two and a half years—that’s kind of a lot (duh). Plus, I’m not an elastic spring chickadee anymore. I’ll be back in super striding form again though. I will! It may just take another year of full time rejuvenation action though.


Recently, an ad flashed on my Shoutyface page for vintage earrings. When I hear the word “vintage,” styles from the1940 and 50s come to mind.

When were these advertised sparkles from? The 1980s. Fer fuck’s sake, HOW can the ‘80s be vintage? I was in my goddamn 20s back then!

Way back then, I was really into the styles (music, clothing, jewelry) of the ‘40s. By the by, the distance in time from 2022 to 1982 is the same as 1982 to 1942. 40 years. SHEESH. I suppose I should feel grateful that I’m not yet considered an antique.

You know you're getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you're down there.
~ George Burns

You can tell you're getting old when authority figures all start to look 12-years-old to you.
~ Stewart Stafford

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you was?
~ Satchel Paige

I'd be 27. Maybe 39 or 45. All very good years. 60 wasn’t so bad either.

What about you?

1 comment:

  1. You need to put a Tesla motor in that thing. Then you could sit and really rip around town. They'd call you the town blur!
