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Saturday, April 2, 2022

A Few Things

Clouds over raccoon island at dusk, taken by Jen
I realize dogs need to be on a leash but it still pains me to see it.

When we first moved to Valhalla all the neighborhood dogs ran free. And they were all good boys and girls too. Including, maybe most especially, the Great Dane. The fun ended when a Republi/Fascist asswipe moved in across the street. His pair of large (not Great Dane size but big) dogs were violently ruthless, attacking every other animal around. The owner? He didn’t do shit about it. Eventually one of the dogs somehow died (possibly offed by a suicide bomber cat). After this, we didn’t see the remaining monster dog as much. Eventually the schmuck-headed owner moved. Good!

When we were kiddles, we weren't allowed to have a dog (or any other kind of a pet). Daddy couldn’t bear to have another living being on a leash or stuck inside. Dogs need to run free, he said.

Yup. I totally get that.

What about Coco? Don’t cats deserve to roam, explore and get all wild? Sure but the possibility of her coming to harm (as did Rocco and B.O.P. before her) feels beyond my ability to endure. As it is, she’s having an ultrasound this coming week due to a found lump and some weight loss issues. I can’t stand this. The idea of my princess suffering is near slaying me.
I get that there’s incredible, deep artistic beauty to be found in Catholic churches BUT, c’mon! For a religion that supposedly gives a shit about the poor, sick and otherwise downtrodden, to build something as palatial as the Duomo di Siena feels a bit…oh, how should I put this? TOTALLY, OUTRAGEOUSLY HYPOCRITICAL. The modern day equivalent is a huge warehouse type building with all the charm of an ugly-ass indoor football stadium. I guess Osteen and his ilk save the ostentatious displays of opulence for their mansions and private jets. 

 Why’s this come up this morning? I happened on Roman Robroek’s photos of abandoned Italian churches. Decay can be beautiful. Justice.
So, now I have to like Disney? With its sanitizing despoilage of fairy tales and reductive homogenization of humanity, Team Rodent has never been a favorite of mine.

The CNBC headline claims, Disney vows to help repeal 'Don't Say Gay' law, says Florida Gov. DeSantis shouldn't have signed it

 Key points?

  • Disney has vowed to help have Florida’s HB 1557 law, which is known as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, repealed.
  • The company’s public opposition to the new law comes after CEO Bob Chapek was criticized for not speaking up sooner and with more fervor ahead of the bill passing the Florida Senate.
  • The company has already vowed to donate $5 million to organizations that work to protect LGTBQ+ rights and has begun speaking to employees in town hall meetings about how it can better serve this community. (source)
Looks like evolution can happen, even at Disney.

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