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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Going Beyond

I probably already mentioned this BUT I am now, generally walking from the parking garage at Mass General to you proton radiation department (and the table I lay on whilst they shoot me up with yummy proton beams). Once protonized, I walk back. Distance, according to my telefonino’s step-o-meter is about .44 of a mile or 1,500 steps (more or less).

After Monday morning’s MGH walk, I came home and, in PT with Judy, put in a half mile or so. By the end, my balance was shaky as hell and my left foot was, occasionally dragging. I was fragile and moving slow.

But, but, BUT, mes amis, I clocked almost an entire mile for the day! I haven’t been able to walk that far in almost TWO motherfucking years. This is some encouraging shit!

Ultra fabola, no? Here’s the thing, Monday’s marathon was, in fact, a push too far. I know this, I knew it when I began that second half mile. While my accomplishment was absolutamente magnífica (and I wasn't in any pain the following morning) I need to build up to these higher peaks at a more gradual pace. (Coco, at right, gave me a raft of shit for my impetuous efforts).

Yesterday, Tuesday, was comparatively mellow—I made the car-to-proton-theater-and-back walk but in PT, I just did stretching exercises and some yoga. OK, OK…I also put in 10 minutes on the elliptical too.
Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.
~ Albert Einstein
I DID mention that the day was comparatively mellow, did I not?

Today, I'll do more of the mellow (which is still challenging, dammit) and attempt to be more patient with myself (yep, good fucking luck with that, girlie).

I'd rather be an optimist and a fool than a pessimist and right.
~ Einstein again

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