I probably already mentioned this BUT I am now, generally walking from the parking garage at Mass General to you proton radiation department (and the table I lay on whilst they shoot me up with yummy proton beams). Once protonized, I walk back. Distance, according to my telefonino’s step-o-meter is about .44 of a mile or 1,500 steps (more or less).
After Monday morning’s MGH walk, I came home and, in PT with Judy, put in a half mile or so. By the end, my balance was shaky as hell and my left foot was, occasionally dragging. I was fragile and moving slow.

But, but, BUT, mes amis, I clocked almost an entire mile for the day! I haven’t been able to walk that far in almost TWO motherfucking years. This is some encouraging shit!
Ultra fabola, no? Here’s the thing, Monday’s marathon was, in fact, a push too far. I know this, I knew it when I began that second half mile. While my accomplishment was absolutamente magnÃfica (and I wasn't in any pain the following morning) I need to build up to these higher peaks at a more gradual pace. (Coco, at right, gave me a raft of shit for my impetuous efforts).
Yesterday, Tuesday, was comparatively mellow—I made the car-to-proton-theater-and-back walk but in PT, I just did stretching exercises and some yoga. OK, OK…I also put in 10 minutes on the elliptical too.
Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.I DID mention that the day was comparatively mellow, did I not?
~ Albert Einstein
Today, I'll do more of the mellow (which is still challenging, dammit) and attempt to be more patient with myself (yep, good fucking luck with that, girlie).
I'd rather be an optimist and a fool than a pessimist and right.
~ Einstein again
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