Unsurprisingly, I did it again. Yup, one day of def overdoing the walking, followed by a day with half as much walking BUT 10 elliptical minutes (done after I’d been told to limit myself to five minutes now that I’m walking so much). Plus there was Tuesday’s exhausting yoga action. All of it combined to knock me out. OK, not entirely but my left leg was one unhappy camper.
I’m 63 motherfucking years old—I’ve had 11 big fat neurosurgeries, seven eye procedures and, so far, one and a half rounds of radiation and I still haven't learned how to moderate my rehab efforts. I, like totally, grok the concept, sure, but...but...but, either I’m all slow mo OR I'm in Flash mode—apparently incapable of anything in between.
Winning the gold in yesterday’s Gee Duh Rilly headline Olympics, This from the Associated Press: Probe Launched After Floyd's Death Finds Minneapolis Police Discriminates On Race. Gosh, ya don't say?! I’m shocked. SHOCKED I tell you!
In other unsurprising news, a county in Texas has gone all Fahrenheit 451 on its public

The censorship campaign, the suit says, was disguised as a means “to protect the community’s children from graphic sexual and ‘pornographic’ materials. In reality, none of the books targeted by Defendants is pornographic or obscene. (source)The lawsuit was filed by seven of the county’s residents thus proving that not all of Llano County’s 20,000 inhabitants are rabidly insecure, simpleminded, dickless wonders who wouldn’t know how to wipe their own asses without a YouTube instructional vid. These are the miscreants who see The Handmaid’s Tale, 1984 and every other totalitarian, dystopian novel as a how-to-adult manual.
Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed.
~ Einstein
It’ll come as water-is-wet news but Oklahoma is decidedly NOT OK.
Oklahoma GOP Chair John Bennett, who is running for Congress, said he wants to put Dr. Anthony Fauci in front of a firing squad ― and the crowd at a campaign event clapped and cheered. (source)~~~And Senator Susan Collins of Maine continues to be less intelligent than a bag of hair. Despite the fact that Apartheid Clyde’s purchase of the bird app won’t be a done deal for several months, she’s come out to announce that Musk should allow the bomb throwing delusional orange grifter back on the app. I’m guessing she, AGAIN, feels 45 has learned his lesson.
Cancun Cruz, (who can’t NOT pucker up to Don the Con’s ass and those of his lemming brained base) naturally, joins Senator Concerned Face on this issue.
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.
~ Einstein
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