I dreamed that I was at the Somerville Theater—a second run/art house movie theater and concert hall. It’s an old vaudeville venue which also holds the Museum of Bad Art. I was on a double date with a couple I knew. They had fixed me up with a woman friend of theirs who seemed very nice. (I know—I’m not gay or even bi. It’s Dream World—everything’s an allegory)
There was an orchestra on stage playing David Byrne’s The Forest. Some of the audience, including me and my date, were up and waltzing (neat trick—I don’t think any of the songs are in triple meter). Partway through our very first dance, with a pained look on her face, Mary stopped. She tells me that she can’t go through with the evening—it’s not you, it’s me. She left, possibly setting a land speed record for Donna Denial.
Huh. While I didn't have any big hopes and dreams pinned on Mary, I’d looked forward to a friendly night of dancing and dinner. My hurt and rejection felt out of proportion to the sitch. I wondered, what’s so distasteful about me that a person can’t bare to spend a little time chit chatting and dancing?It was all such a let down—it’d been a long time since I’d kicked up my heels and had some straight up fun. Disconsolately, I left the dance floor and returned to my seat.
Unexpectedly, my good buddy Hillel came along. He swept me up, we returned to the dance floor and began waltzing. I felt so much better. This, a bit of diverting revels with friends, is all I wanted.
Thank you for showing up at just the right time, Hillel!
Speaking of waltzing (and we were), did you know that Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is written in 3/4 time (intro, verses and pre-chorus )? Yes, you can waltz to it. Also, Hendrix’s Manic Depression and Kashmir by Led Zeppelin. How 'bout that!
What was this dream really about? Eh, I expect it may have something to do with me wanting to get out more and NOT just to Mass General Hospital. Later this month I’ll start outpatient physical therapy (at the local YMCA) which, while time outta the house with people, is NOT the same as social fun time.
Now that it’s warmer out and I’m done with my protonization (and mostly past the fatigue shit) I can get my second COVID booster and, masked up, spend some time outside with people. Maybe Hillel and I could have a picnic on the seawall?
Why waltzing? It's one of the only formal dance styles I know and I'll bet, even with my wonky left leg and fucked balance, I could last for a tune or two. I can also jitterbug but I'm def not up to that yet.
Me dancing?! HAH, you were definitely in dreamworld, my friend. But a picnic on the seawall? I'm all in, big time.