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Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Texts, Cake, Progress

Yesterday in Textville:

Me: Ya know, it’s almost Wednesday.
(On Wednesdays we get takeout and watch escapist teevee. It’s a necessary and sacred weekly tradition.)

Jen: Ohhhhh good point! That’s yet ANOTHER benefit to having a three day weekend! As the workweek begins we so much closer …
Me: Windy day.
(I like to keep Jen abreast of local weather conditions while she’s away, laboring in the ink fields, two towns over. If I didn’t venture out and then text her, how would she know!?)
Me: Not including walking around the house I’ve done .86 of a mile today. (this is a big fucking deal. It’s the farthest I’ve walked in over two years).

Jen: Christ, that’s awesome!
John, the neighbor, told Andrea you looked like you were flying out there 😃

Me: ¿¿¿Sorry, which neighbor is he? I SO suck at this know-your-neighbors thing!
(we’ve lived here for almost 20 years now. You’d think I’d have learned and remembered a few names by now. HEY, I’ve been busy!)

Jen: John and Susan who live next door to Andrea. NOT the Republicans😊
(as far as we know, there are only a couple Republican households on our block. Yes, we consider ourselves lucky)

Me: Our Fascist neighbors don’t give a fuck about my recovery. It’s nice (and a little funny) that our other neighbors notice and comment on my progress.

Jen: Si!!! Everybody is lookin’ out their windows, rooting for you, except, of course, the Fascists.
(Okay, I feel even more ashamed of my unsociable nature now.)

Me: Fuck those fucking fuckers. (unsociable and potty-mouthed)

Jen: And then run them over with a dump truck!

Me: Twice!

Jen: With snow chains!

I think I'm a bad influence on Jen.


Sprinkled in the ongoing text mix are multiple murky pics of our new boy, Cake. (did you know—black cats absorb all the light around them. It's one of their magic powers. I'm waiting to see what other special talents he's got). Cake's really coming out of his shell. This morning, as I woke up, he communicated that it was time for breakfast. Now, despite my wonderful ongoing recovery, I'm not yet easily able to get up and down the stairs while carrying a nice dish of Fancy Feast. I called out to Ten who allowed that Cake had already taken his morning meal downstairs.

Huh. Clearly he's part hobbit and was in need of Second Breakfast. Ten obliged our new hobbiton roomie. Of course. I wonder what other hobbit powers Cake wields.

According to author Kim Berkley:

Hobbits do not have magical powers, or incredible strength, or the wisdom of ages. And they’re fine with that. They alone, among the other races of Middle-Earth, do not seek power or control or dangerous knowledge, for good or for evil. They simply want to live in peace, and that is a special kind of wisdom and zen. 

I suspect all cats are at least part hobbit.

Wanting to live in peace and not being a power mad, authoritarian, assholic smegma-head, does seem to be a super power here in this ultra scary 21st century.

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