There’s a guy (Eric Alper) on Twitter who posts music trivia, fun memes and musical questions. i.e.,
- What's a cover you love that's completely different from the original?
- What's a great song about storms, thunder, or rain?
- What song hits different at 2am?
I feel like a bit of a fraud when I chime in on these posts. Why? Because I haven’t been able to listen to music since Black Eyed Peas came out with Where is the Love and Beastie Boys gave us To the 5 Boroughs. Mind you, in 2004 I was listening more to NIN, Pearl Jam, Talking Heads, Paul Simon and Kronos Quartet. Still, I chime in on a lot of his questions.

Eight Mile High—Hüsker Dü
Fer reals, ya gotta listen to it. I always loved The Byrds' version but Hüsker Dü’s? Oh BAYBEE, that one spoke to my soul.
Tom Jones and the Art of Noise—Kiss
Someone replied to try my post with Kiss by Age of Chance and I am SO bummed that I never heard this version.
I just clicked the like/heart icon instead of commenting because WHAT am I gonna say?
Wish I could listen to this (LOVE the visuals) but I lost my hearing 18 years ago.
I mean, how fucking much does that statement scream PITY ME?! In my mind, I would be expressing appreciation but regret that I can’t fully enjoy what they’ve shared. How’s it come off though? Probably as some serious Too Much Information-ing and attention begging. No can do.
Having said that, I hate that I can’t hear! I hate that I can’t easily converse about music! I HATE that I can't listen to anything new OR old! An important part of my being has been sliced out and this blows, yes, giant bantha wang.
I also wanted to post Concussion Ensemble’s
cover of the Mission Impossible theme song. Jesus that was mega brill.
Sadly, I couldn’t find a video of it. That band was WAY too short-lived.
any case, even when I’ve nothing exceptional to add to his question
posts, I love scrolling through the replies. It seems that a lot of his
followers are older (but not as old as me but then...who is?) so I can
totally relate and enjoy their responses.
This tweet of Eric’s hit me hard.
Take some time to thank a musician today. Because your life would just suck without music.
If I could magically hear again, whose songs, arias, symphonies and ripping tunes would you recommend I listen to first?
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