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Friday, September 2, 2022


I walked a quarter of a mile, sans walker or cane, on Wednesday. I only needed to grab onto the support railing a few times. Yea me! AND, so far today, I’ve walked a half mile using the walker. The day's still young—I bet I get in over a mile.

Yesterday, I had an online appointment with my radiation nurse practitioner. This was an already scheduled visit and was supposed to be just a follow up on this past spring’s protonization. It quickly became all about my bean versus spine
(re: the spine, they agree with Plotkin—it seems fine—no appreciable growth) . Very sadly, radiation won’t work on the frontal lobe bastard but will on the other three further back.

Other three?! WTF? I thought there was only one. At least, at this point, the THREE are all small enough for radiation.

Doc Shih (my radiation medic) feels the frontal lobe tumor is growing fast and surgery is called for. She planned on talking to Plotkin about that. Cool.

I'll patient gateway Plotkin today regarding the chemo drug optionand ask about Shih’s surgery recommendation. No, I’m totally not eager for fresh brain surgery OR action BUT I’ll do what I gotta do. My thought is this—if the chemo drug can arrest the growth of that frontal lobe motherfucker, even just for a few months or so, let’s start that shit NOW. I’ve got NO bloody interest in revisiting my seizure days with those midnight ambulance rides to MGH.

Yep, I’m kind of wired today. This is my pre-battle get-myself-psyched-up-to-fight mode. Meanwhile, here's a couple snaps from my morning ramble. Yur welcome.

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