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Thursday, September 1, 2022


 Mary Peltola, a pro-choice, universal background check supporting, climate change believer, won Alaska’s lone U.S. House seat. It was a special election to fill out the remainder of the late Rep. Don Young’s (R/F) term. Peltola is the first Democrat to hold the seat in 50 years. She’s also the first Native Alaskan, Yup’ik,  to hold the seat.

Someone posted, on the bird app, that they "could see Palin lose from their house in Ohio."


Sadly, given Palin’s obvious incompetence and and violent rhetoric, the race was close.

In a statement Wednesday, Palin repeated her criticism of ranked-choice voting, saying it "was sold as the way to make elections better reflect the will of the people" but that it has the "opposite" effect. (source)
The gaslighting, grifting granny is, of course, peddling this nonsense because she LOST.

In case you weren’t sure (I wasn’t):

Ranked-choice voting is an electoral system that allows people to vote for multiple candidates, in order of preference. Instead of just choosing who you want to win, you fill out the ballot saying who is your first choice, second choice, or third choice (or more as needed) for each position. 

The candidate with the majority (more than 50%) of first-choice votes wins outright. If no candidate gets a majority of first-choice votes, then it triggers a new counting process. The candidate who did the worst is eliminated, and that candidate’s voters’ ballots are redistributed to their second-choice pick. In other words, if you ranked a losing candidate as your first choice, and the candidate is eliminated, then your vote still counts: it just moves to your second-choice candidate. That process continues until there is a candidate who has the majority of votes. (source)

Go read the whole post on ranked choice voting. I’m a believer now. 

The race will replay (but for a two year term) in November. Here’s hoping Peltola wins by an easy margin.
Alina Habba, one of the Mango Menace’s many young, inexperienced, willing to work for free (though they may not understand their work for him is pro bono) and none-too-bright lawyers, has referred to her employer’s crimes as “mundane.” Sure, “espionage” and “obstruction” are just the usual, everyday sort of law breakage that, honestly, ANY of us probably engage in on a weekly basis.

Christina Bobb and Evan Corcoran are two more of his free shysters. They lied to the DOJ, saying that ALL documents had been returned. Oopsie. There may just be consequences to that bit of fucking around.

Bobb told OAN the “raid” was a sham because authorities recently met with the former president, who she said has been “very cooperative” with the investigation.

“I’m a little bit befuddled as to why they would do such a drastic thing, so disrespecting and so dishonoring, other than the fact it’s a political tool,” she said. (source)

He really does seem to like his lawyers stupid and 2-dimensional with a side of vaudeville thrown in just for fun.

And, here at home, I'm achy and peeved. In PT yesterday, I walked one quarter of a mile withOUT cane or walker. Yes there were bars to grab onto as needed BUT I went most of that QUARTER MILE (did I mention that already?) with only Ten and my PT spotting me. I'm physically sore for obvious reasons. Why peeved? Because I'm in some pain, dammit!

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