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Sunday, January 8, 2023

Baby, It's Cold Outside

It’s a piddling 25º out there this morning and I’m being a weenie. I’m NOT going out for my walk (yet) and I’m NOT taking a shower until the house warms up a little. Okay, I suppose I won’t have a choice about the hygiene crap. If I become any more pungently whiffy—Ten will throw me into the rain room head first. As is only just and fair.

Could I, possibly, have frigophobia? By the by, shouldn’t there be a ‘d’ in that word? It should be fridgeophobia, yeah? Oh wait, then it’d be a fear of iceboxes, right?
The word refrigerator…dates to the early 1600s, and refrigerate comes from the Latin verb refrigerare and ultimately from the adjective frigus, meaning "cold," dates to the preceding century. Frigus also gave us our adjective frigid. (source)
‘the fuck—what’s up with that missing ‘d’ and the now soft 'g' though?
(It should be noted that, as is consistent with Latin words, frigus and refrigerare were each pronounced with a hard g—that is, like the g in good. The shift to a soft-g sound—that is, pronounced like the g in gesture—in frigid and refrigerate didn't occur until both words were established in English and at the mercy of French pronunciation influences.) (source)
So is frigophobia pronounced with a hard or soft 'g?' And the French are, at the heart of things, to blame for this hard/soft 'g' dookie? Dammit, inquiring minds and shit.

*Ahem* back to my possible irrational fear of the cold (AKA cryophobia which sounds way more science-y)—I don’t believe I'm in possession of this complex. I’m not so much afraid of the cold as I am annoyed by it. Plus, my abounding sloth kicks in without much of a spark—all temps below 30º are perfect kindling.

I’m gonna have to exercise today, get in the equivalent of a mile’s walk. Will 10 laps of the house (both floors, stairs included) plus 20-30 minutes on the elliptical count? It’ll be 34 degrees out at 2PM maybe I can brave the cold then. This also buys me another four hours of luxuriant lethargy. I like this plan.
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.
~ Jules Renar


  1. Indiana has not been very warm the last few days , before that we had a 61 degree day, a total teaser ,

    1. 61 degrees in January…cruel.
