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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

So far this year

There have been 40 “mass shootings” in the last 25 days.

72 lives have been snuffed out in these greedheaded NRA-Republi/Fascist fueled murder fests.

170 have been injured during these 40-in-25 days murder wank-offs. (missing from the Gun Violence Data base is Monday’s killing at a school in Des Moines, Iowa.)

Are you proud to live in a country where one of the major political parties (gee, can you guess which one) is financed by wealthy, soulless, shitheelian corporations and Russian oligarchs? I sure as fuck am NOT.

The GOP, self-styled as the party of life (HAH!) really need to  come with a disclaimer.

Restrictions apply for all individuals laying claim to equality, assistance and human rights:

  • Must have minimum net worth of one million buckos—preferably more.
  • Must be in perfect health OR easily able to pay for own healthcare. (unless you’re a senator or representative. Elected? The taxpayers cover you for life. Sweet, no?)
  • Must own at least a dozen guns and firmly believe in unfettered concealed and/or open carry.
  • Must acknowledge that women and BIPOC are less than fully human and wholly undeserving of anything—even our bodies are not our own.
  • Must be "christian" or, at least, claim to be.
  • Must be rabidly nostalgic for the days when it was essentially legal for a white man of means to murder anyone he felt was of lesser social standing especially if they were Black, Brown, gay, a woman, etc.
Honestly now, none of the Republi/Fascist's marks are gonna read that fine print. Conceivably, most of them are incapable of that feat anyway.

If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.
~ Lyndon B. Johnson
Ya know why Republi/Fascists and the christofascists want ignorant, easily manipulated white people to breed like crazy? Fear. They’re afraid of no longer being dominant. (shoulda thought of that before getting their  suckers on the anti-vax/anti-mask crazy train) The cretinous fascists are afraid of being treated the same way that they've treated us. Also, there's the monumental greed and stupidity. They see life as a rigid dichotomy. If a Black man or a woman (who wasn’t born into money and/or isn’t white) is wonderfully successful, somehow that’s perceived as grand theft from the oh-so-entitled Pallid Penis American. 

Doesn’t matter if said PPA has the brains and savvy of a dead tapeworm—they still solidly believe they are qualified and deserve to be large and in charge. Two dipshits come immediately to mind: Richard Barnett (the weasel puke who proclaimed his Constitution LURV but doesn’t know what it says) and Jacob Chansley (the ridiculous “QAnon Shaman Clown"). Nothing but cheap-ass carnival rubes. I wonder if it's occurred to either of them that they've given up their freedom, their quality of life for a pathological lying-ass golf buffoon who doesn't even know their names

The rich white schmucks want us to be too poor and harried—too stressed to see through their lies and bullshit grift. Even if we do, we’ll all be too fucking busy working three jobs, taking care of the bairn and trying to scrape a life together to fight, to stand up for ourselves.

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children she didn't know what to do.
She gave them some broth without any bread.
She whipped them all soundly and put them to bed.
Yeah, fuck that shit man.

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