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Thursday, January 26, 2023

NPD, etc.

While NOT doomscrolling yesterday, I came across this initialism—NPD. ‘the fuck does that stand for? It seems that simply every fucking thing has been reduced to initials. Since I’m deaf (for lo these past 18 years) and older than dirt, I’m just not hip to all these 21st century language stylings.

I’m used to keeping a dictionary by my side while I read. I have a few translation apps bookmarked (for all the foreign words and phrases). What to do about initialisms that I just, even with loads of context, can’t sort out? Mister Google to the rescue!

Which brings me back to NPD and ‘the fuck does this mean?

In the context of the substack I was perusing, it seems to mean Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The post consisted of dating advice. WHY am I reading a dating advice column?! I mean…HELLO…Ten? Also, if he wasn’t here (Bast forbid!) I VERY much doubt that I’d be out looking for love—kinda busy here just tryin’ to stay alive. Ya know?

I find dating suggestions, warnings and imparted wisdom interesting and often amusing as all Hell. (which is a truly amusing joint)

The poster's reference to NPD, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, piqued my curiosity. Is true NPD wickedly common or is this an indiscriminate flinging around of an actual, real mental disorder?

A disorder in which a person has an inflated sense of self-importance.
Narcissistic personality disorder is found more commonly in men. The cause is unknown but likely involves a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Symptoms include an excessive need for admiration, disregard for others' feelings, an inability to handle any criticism, and a sense of entitlement.
People with the disorder can:

  • Have an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and require constant, excessive admiration.
  • Feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment.
  • Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements.
  • Make achievements and talents seem bigger than they are.
  • Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate.
  • Believe they are superior to others and can only spend time with or be understood by equally special people.
  • Be critical of and look down on people they feel are not important.
  • Expect special favors and expect other people to do what they want without questioning them.
  • Take advantage of others to get what they want.
  • Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.
  • Be envious of others and believe others envy them.
  • Behave in an arrogant way, brag a lot and come across as conceited.
  • Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office. (source)

Armchair psychologists around the world have diagnosed the former guy (TFG—the Mango Moron) as a malignant narcissist. Could very well be. Professionals say that:

  1. An accurate evaluation can’t be made at a distance—i.e., they can’t definitively say without an in person visit.
  2. One doctor has said that calling TFG mentally ill is an insult to those who honestly are mentally ill.

The point here—narcissism has been big in the news and general online convos due to the reality TV prez.  Anyone exhibiting Trump's radically malevolent, bizarre and wholly unacceptable social qualities is quickly said to be a narcissist.

There’s a difference between being self-obsessed and unsympathetic and being a full blown, clinically diagnosed narcissist. I’ve had a couple of friends who were wildly self-centered and, at least outwardly, insensitive to others’ troubles. I doubt either would be diagnosed as narcissists though. I knew another person who I feel would definitely qualify. He (along with his hero–45) would do the world a major mitzvah by croaking. Now plz.

The answer to my question was the advice giver indiscriminately flinging around a mental disorder? Yes, the writer was promiscuously dropping in the disorder’s name. That shit makes me cringe. It cheapens the language. 

I know, my not-so-latent pedanticism is making a desperate attempt to slip its leash.

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