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Saturday, January 21, 2023


Indian elephants, whales, mountain gorillas, black rhinoceros, sea turtles, orangutans, red panda, tigers, African wild dogs all face extinction due to us extremely shortsighted, selfish humans.

Polar Bears are in pretty rough shape too.

Polar bear attacks are extremely rare. But as climate change reduces the amount of Arctic ice, forcing the bears to spend more time on land, the number of encounters between people and bears is on the rise, researchers say. (source
I only mention it but, we’ve been invading THEIR homes, poisoning THEIR habitats—do they not have a Castle doctrine, the right to defend their land, their dwellings, their kiddles? 

You bet your ass they do!
Space Karen (AKA Elon MusKKK) is using a variation of the Tucker Carlson defense in the lawsuit brought against him by angry Tesla investors. What’s the Tuck C. defense? Basically, “I’m nothing more than a cheap-ass, transparently fraudulent, rodeo clown who’s claim to fame is ginning up the stupid, hateful rubes for cash. No intelligent, reasonable person would ever believe a word I say.”

In a just world, this über-rich (courtesy of MusKKK's dear old dad) vainglorious and aged-out frat boy, this younger version of the clueless Creamsicle Con (AKA TFG with a better hair replacement job), will lose and lose big.

Sadly, we don’t live in that world.
I really didn’t need any more proof that North and South Dakota (total population of the combined states is 1.67 million) should be joined together into one state with one governor, just two senators and two state reps. After all, New York City’s population is 8.468 million (518% more people than the Dakotas!) and they don’t have their very own senators. How is this fair?

North Dakota State Senator David Clemens (Republi/Fascist from West Fargo with a nasty Captain Kangaroo haircut) proposed a bill that would have made people pay $1,500 each time they refer to themselves or others with gender pronouns different from the ones they were assigned at birth

It was defeated—39 opposed to eight in favor of this rabid weasel shit. Why? Apparently Clemens did a bad job cobbling his prejudices together into a foolproof way to fuck over the citizens of his state.

Republican Sen. Janne Myrdal, of Edinburg, voted against the bill, but said she plans to support others that align with her belief “that God gives you your identity and your sex at conception.
Apparently North Dakota doesn’t support the Constitution, specifically the First Amendment.
Speaking of morons, Richard Barnett, the January 6th insurrectionist who made himself all at home at Nancy Pelosi’s desk during the failed coup is now up on charges. He was, by the by, not some innocent just caught up in the moment. He was packing a high-voltage stun device.

Loser Man, who claims to just LOVE the Constitution, has now shown, in front of all his beer buddies and the rest of the world, that he’s utterly unfamiliar with what the Bill of Rights actually says AND what those words mean (not unlike the rest of the Fascist Party and their dimwitted voters).

Obvs, I woke up and read the news today. Oh boy.

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