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Sunday, January 22, 2023

Surf's Up (sort of)

Yesterday, Ten and I took Godzilla down to Nantasket. It’s the first time I’ve been able to go there in close to three years (due to my absolutely abysmal health). The plan was for a nice walk on the beach but the weather was not cooperative.

It was intensely blustery with big waves, frigid temps, no surfers to watch and the tide was high so we couldn’t get down on the beach. Still, it was magnificent to briefly stroll the seawall, watching the white capped swells crashing onto the shore, transforming into rushing lace blankets of surf.

The next promising Nantasket days are Tuesday and Wednesday.
Jen, Oni and I watched the first ep of the teevee show Three Pines. It’s based on the Louise Penny Inspector Gamache mystery series which Jen and I are both reading and loving. Like any book that’s turned into a movie, we have complaints and likes. Films rarely live up to what I’ve imagined while reading.

The show’s casting is a real mixed bag. The elderly irascible poet is PERFECT, the inspector is good, one of the bistro’s owners is exactly as I’d pictured him in my mind.

The artist couple (both painters) however were simply awful. In the book, she’s a little messy—hair wild with flecks of paint, a little chubby and sports occasional food crumbs on her face and clothes. Her art is more or less realistic with hints of surrealism—think Frida Kahlo. In the show? She’s vaguely hippy-ish but lithe and well turned out. Her work is in the soft focus cliché style that can be seen in framed prints sold at Target or Walmart. Her husband is, totally UNlike the book. He's portrayed as hair-trigger jealous and paints in an abstract expressionist style (Pollock meets Kline). In the book, he’s much more Kandinsky meets Mondrian.

We’ll watch another ep—see if it’s worth continuing.
Weird but unsurprising news—famed porn star Ron Jeremy has been in jail since 2020 awaiting trial on 34 counts of sexual assault and 12 rape charges.Why does this strike me as odd?

For starters, sex was his job, how he made his bones. Even if you love your 9-5, don’t you ever want to get away from it? Ya know, just punch out and go home to Netflix and chill? But rape isn’t about sexit’s about power, domination, anger and the rapist’s misapprehension that he’s entitled to violently molest, assault and abuse anyone he chooses.

Rape is most def NOT “nonconsensual sex” as Yale University termed it.

Second, though he was homely, the Hedgehog was also famous and rich. There will always be women who will fuck a guy because he’s got a big name and a pocket full of Benjamins. C’mon now, I’m not the only babe on the planet who’s had a one night stand or three! I was generally wowed by intelligence, humor and kindness BUT sometimes looks and charm got the best of me. The point I’m getting at here is that we all have our motivations for surrendering the pink.

Here’s the thing about Ron-the Rapist-Jeremy, though he’s in jail, it’s unlikely he’ll ever go to trial. He’s been diagnosed with incurable neurocognitive decline—AKA Dementia. Will he be remanded to a mental hospital? Would the nurses, doctors, staff and other patients be safe from him?

A spokesperson for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office told the Times that prosecutors had no records showing Jeremy had dementia when charges were brought(source)
Jeremy was an actor—is this extreme dementia just an act?


  1. I have been watching 3 Pines as well! I think they got Gamache pretty close to perfect; Yvette Nichol, better than perfect. At first I thought Beauvoir was all wrong but he’s growing on me.
    Strangely, Ruth is the character I am most disappointed in. I feel like they went with a stereotype of “crazy old lady,” when Ruth is so much more nuanced than that.

    Overall, I am enjoying the show very much.

    1. I liked Jean Guy and felt Nicole was an improvement over the book version. That’s probably because all her hostile, weird thoughts aren’t obvious. I’m psyched to see how she develops as the series continues. Ruth? Maybe she’ll Show more depth too. I hope so. What really made me like (and identify with) her is the way she and Gabri banter—I hope that’s included in the show. Reminds me of how Jen and I are. 😊
