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Friday, March 10, 2023

The Week

Newly produced neurons (red) in the dentate gyrus with cell nuclei (blue)
and a marker for immature neurons (green).
Credit: Knobloch Lab – UNIL
I’m beat. I was wonderfully diligent in my rehab workouts this week. Not perfect but not bad at all. I’m reading another great book by Mur Lafferty, called Six Wakes. It’s about clones, criminals, a 400 year journey through space and it’s a murder mystery. AND I’ve done far less doomscrolling and more cool-science-shit scrolling. It’s been a good week

Hillel’s currently in Northern India and has sent some pics for our enjoyment. Thank you, man!
Flying in over the Himalayas

Jen and Oni took down their xmas tree last weekend. It’s a tiny live tree which, in the off-season, sits in a nice pot on their porch. I miss its presence in the living room already. Spring is just a little over ONE week away though. There will be brill flowers popping up all over and there'll be buds on the trees. YEA! Plus, warmer temps and more hours of daylight bring greater energy levels. I'll be able to walk outside more (versus at the mall or the grocery store) and, if I get my ass outta bed early enough, catch the sunrise off Nantasket. Yippee!
It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.
~ Charles Dickens, Great Expectations 
Meanwhile, here's a timely public health service meme. You're welcome.

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