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Saturday, April 22, 2023

Ahhh, Saturday

It’s an overcast, dark morning. I managed to get out for an early walk before the expected rain though. Yea me.

Remember  Colin Kaepernick?  Do you know what this angel is doing now? Through his organization Know Your Rights Camp he’s paying for second autopsies for the victim’s of police-related deaths.

A police-related death occurs when an individual is harmed by police officers while using deadly force which results in the individual’s death. A police-related death includes in-custody deaths. In-custody deaths include deaths that arise during contact with law enforcement officers during arrest, pursuit, booking, transport, or incarceration. Therefore, pre-custody deaths are included within in-custody deaths. (source)
Lashawn Thompson, the 35 year old mentally ill inmate who’d spent three months incarcerated (and apparently forgotten about) for a misdemeanor, was found dead in his filthy cell, covered in bedbugs. The cell was so awful that, on noticing Lashawn was in distress, the jail’s staff member had to don a HazMat suit before entering.

Lashawn entered that hellpit physically healthy.

The medical examiner could not determine his cause of death, but the report described an “extremely severe” infestation of small insects across Thompson’s body. (source)
Colin Kaepernick will pay for Lashawn’s new, unbiased autopsy.

Okay, I’m thoroughly horrified now. I believe it’s time to hold Ten and Cake close, read stories about space ships and eat pancakes. Maybe jump on the elliptical and burn off some of my absolute squicked out disgust with humanity.

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