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Tuesday, April 11, 2023


Yesterday, I walked (with rollator) a whole, entire mile in one shot! I also, later, did 10 minutes on the elliptical and went up and down the stairs a bunch ‘o’ times.

In May of last year my average daily step count was 720 (.3 of a mile)—a sad amount. Last month, March, my daily step average was 1,675 (.72 of a mile). Mind you, I had days of over 3,000 steps (1.3+ miles—done in two rounds) as well as a few where a stoned sloth would have easily outdistanced me.

Point of this blathering? Though my progress is excruciatingly slow, it really, truly does EXIST. With this molasses-oozing-downhill-in-February pace, it’s easy to lose hope—to wonder will I ever get around on my own again.

Yes, I will. To have done a mile in one go yesterday, that’s something solid and and calls for celebration.

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