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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Fishy Wishy

Well, fish stick heir and fascist/racist/misogynistic propagandist Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson has been shitcanned

That was a wonderfully nice Monday morning present.

Normally it pains me when people get the ax (yes, even when the action is appropriate) but I’ll make an exception in Tuck’s case. I’m sure Fish Head can get another trump/Russia suck-up gig at OANN or Breitbart. He’ll undoubtedly never see another 20mill payday again though.

Who am I kidding, the filthy rich moron, who’s been fired from all but one of the media gigs he’s held over the years, doesn’t need a job. He’s now free to spend his days tanning his junk, fan-boying Putin and perfecting that astoundingly dimwitted, slightly crosseyed hick look he seems to favor.

I've read that he's lawyered up. Apparently Doughboy is far too imbecilic to understand that, at this point, the more that comes out about his words and deeds, the worse he looks. He's always welcome in Russia though.

Just hours after Fox News unexpectedly announced the host's departure, Carlson was offered work by Russian state media networks that have fiercely supported the invasion of Ukraine and echo much of his conspiratorial rhetoric. (source)
He's already their tool, why not just move to Moscow?

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