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Monday, April 24, 2023


IF I had all the money, would I buy a private island? You know, an uninhabited one. There’s one on the market now, just off the southern coast of Scotland. Barolloco Island.

No one has ever applied for permission to build on the island, according to the listing, so it would be down to the buyer to investigate the development possibilities with the local authority.
It is situated in a Site of Special Scientific Interest—an area in the UK defined as of particular interest due to the rare species of fauna or flora it contains—and is a haven for all types of wildlife, including great black-backed gulls, and rare plants such as rock sea lavender and fragrant orchid.  (source)
Seems building would be unlikely, what with the whole Site-of-Special-Scientific-Interest biz, BUT if I could I’d need to have, at least, a simple dwelling put up. A tiny home would be a relatively simple and inexpensive BUT, given that I’d be out there for months at a time (if not full time), the house would need to be big enough so I won’t fall victim to claustrophobia. After all, this island’s not nestled in the Bahamas like so many of the rich people owned ones. Scotland gets an actual winter so it’s not like the outdoors can function as my year 'round breakfast nook or cozy reading room.

Electricity and plumbing would need to be brought into existence. Could solar do the job? Should I have windmills too? Would rain be my only source of potable water? Can clothes, dishes and yurs truly be safely washed in seawater? What about human waste disposal. I’m NOT using an outhouse.

What about rising sea levels? Would my brandy new island home be underwater in a dozen years?

The island, noted in the CNN post, is accessible from the mainland by foot, tractor or quadbike at low tide. Maybe the place needs a landing pad for helicopters too? I think installing a Star Trek type transporter system would make a ton more sense. Nota bene, this purchase and move is a fantasy, so transporter travel is totally gonna work.

Another thing, what about trees. The pics of the joint show not one single tree. This is wrong.

I’d need a herd of cat (for protection), goats (for dairy needs), chickens (eggs) and asparagus—Brussels sprouts too. Jen knows how to make bread so that’s covered (as long as Jen comes too).

Could I get an internet connection on the island? Would my Kindle work or do I need to go back to ink on paper books?

Perhaps I’m just not made for relatively off-grid living. Maybe I should look more toward Maine and Canada. Both have islands for sale that already have a houses with plumbing and electricity. Of course they're WAY more expensive but at least there's indoor plumbing.

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