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Tuesday, July 25, 2023


So, the bird app (which I haven't entirely quit) has a new, completely unoriginal name—X.  How utterly banal, cliché and NOT edgy in the least. I mean, X, the punk band, formed in 1977. That’s 46 years ago for Bast’s sake. In 1979 the Amsterdam anarcho-punk, jazz punk, experimental music group, The X formed. That’s 44 years ago. Fer fuck's sake, that's like naming your company Vanilla and thinking you're just hip and cutting edge as all hell.

The only other thing that comes to mind when I see a capital X is the marketing trope of brand x, indicating a competing, inferior product. Or, ya know, death or a knock out in a boxing ring. Yeah, I’m done. I’ll likely still post links to this here blog but otherwise, I’m outta there.
I had a how-you-doin’-on-the-chemo check up yesterday. How’m I doin'? Meh, not bad, not great. It seems that stress and the hellish heat are sapping my energy levels as much as the meds. Lovely.

Why do I have stress? After all, I'm no longer a worker bee, my only commutes are to PT and doc appointments and I have Ten, Jen and Oni watching over and helping me. Plus CAKE! Eh, there's always some shit being stirred. Also too, I'm in the pro worry leagues. I'm back to the deep breathing and visualization exercises.

There's good new though—I’ve lost another three pounds. This means that, since my health radically shit the bed (three+ years ago) and I hit muy grande porker levels, I’ve lost 40 (count ‘em, 40) pounds! Yea me. 15 pounds to go.

Now that DeSantis is, pretty much, a desperate joke who will Fox and the never-trumpers promote? Seems that’s already a decided deal—it’s that lunatic RFK junior. Found on No More Mister Nice Blog:
Fox has hosted Kennedy at least 10 times on its weekday broadcasts since he announced his run on April 19.... That is more often than the network interviewed Republican candidates Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (9 interviews), former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (9), former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (8), or former Vice President Mike Pence (7) over the same period.

Likewise, Kennedy is referenced more frequently on the network than much of the GOP field. His name was mentioned on Fox at least 779 times from April 19 through July 20 — more than any GOP primary candidate other than Trump (4,702 mentions), DeSantis (2,484), and Scott (941).... 

I get it. Either Junior will splinter Biden's much deserved support and take ALL of the Independent and Libertarian votes (thus putting Cheeto back in office) OR Junior wins and the Facists have a more malleable puppet at their beck and call.

Good news—DeathSantis is all but over. Bad news? This fucking mess is far from burnt toast.

Another way to lower my stress levels would be to ignore the news. Sadly, I'm apparently incapable of that.

I'm off to a physical therapy appointment for which I've done little to no homework exercises. Why? I really hit a wall over the past few days and needed a damn break. I took it. Now I'm back on the chain gang.

Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.
 ~ Winnie the Pooh

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