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Monday, September 4, 2023


For some unfathomable reason I have Screamin’ Jay Hawkins in my head this morning. Yes, of course it’s I Put A Spell On You. 

given to or characterized by gross excess in drinking or eating.

  • Crapulous was first recorded in 1530-40.
  • Crapulous comes from the Late Latin word crāpulōsus, “inclined to drunkenness.”
  • Crapulous can also mean “suffering from such excess.”
  • There is no relation between crapulous and crap, “excrement,” which came from the Middle English word crap, meaning “chaff; siftings of grain.”

Despite her stone abstemious tendencies, Donna woke feeling utterly crapulous. NOT FAIR!

Cake is also crapulent this morning
I haven’t engaged in wanton overindulgence in a very long time. Not only that, I no longer have so much as a nice glass of Pinot Noir at the end of a long day.

 Why not? Eh, being in and out of the hospital and rehab joints for the past shit-ton of years seems to have, perhaps, gotten me out of the habit. Now, at most, I might have a single, wee dram of prosecco or Jamo (the former being a hot weather bev, the latter being a cooler temps restorative) a few times a week.

What is a dram? A fluid dram equals one-eighth of a fluid ounce (the equivalent to two average-size thimbles)
Why no Pinot Noir (or Malbec for that matter) in the house? It doesn’t keep. As I’m only consuming, at absolute most, half an ounce a week, buying a bottle of wine would be a complete waste of money and good grapes.

So why did I wake feeling all crapulous? Who the fuck knows. Despite having the energy to get up and dressed, I felt the need to radically limit my seawall ramble. I’ll do more balance exercises later and ride the elliptical for a bit.

Despite close genetic relationship to the adorable three-toed sloth, I MUST deny my nature today. I WILL overcome this state of torpidity! (it's almost like someone put a spell on me or something...huh.)

Maybe I'll get off my ass in another hour or so.

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