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Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Some shit in this life we somehow know from birth. Fer instance, fake leopard skin coats are AWESOME and always look chic. I’ve known this since the cradle.

Some shit we learn through experience AKA mistakes. Luckily (???) I’ve made a lot so I’ve learned a lot. Nifty, huh?

Next life (assuming reincarnation is a thing) I’d like to know more shit at the get go and make fewer mistakes. Not too much too ask, right? My luck, I’ll come back as a worker ant. A honey bee would be much, MUCH better.
Do milk snakes have butts? If so, where are they AND, I guess, if they don’t have an ass, they can’t wear jeans. Simply everyone knows that you need booty to rock a pair of 501s.
I just finished a fun murder mystery. Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto.

A man is murdered (or maybe his death was an accident) and found within a small San Francisco tea shop. It turns out he was a total sociopath OR a psychopath. I get those two confused.
The current belief is that psychopathy generally comes from genetic factors, such as parts of the brain not developing fully, while sociopathy results from an interruption in personality development by abuse or trauma in childhood. (source)
Anyway, he was a stone asshole and no one’s sorry he’s gone. That’s part of what makes the story fun. The rest is how all the flawed but likable characters meet, relate to each other and become, basically, a family. It’s a soothing but NOT a mainstream cozy mystery. The tone of  Alexander McCall Smith's  books come to mind. When I think of cozy mysteries I think of books where financially comfortable women (they own cheese shops! B&Bs! They work in libraries and bookshops.) just happen to stumble across dead bodies in their small villages. They feel compelled to solve the crime while also baking, reading, falling in love, enjoying a close-knit family life, etc.

Cozy mysteries are like romance novels—generally NOT witty or terribly creative. More often than not the cozies are centered on characters who’ve never had a problem fitting in or finding healthy close friendships. They’re set in happy tiny towns where the worst character is a Gladys Kravitz type.

I can’t relate.
“She’s gotten very good at ignoring people over the years, especially when they say things like “You can’t do that” or “You’re not supposed to do that.””
Yeah, I can relate to this.

Inside the bitter 'animosity' between GOP presidential hopefuls Vivek Ramaswamy and Mike Pence
WHY would anyone read this story about two failed humans? Both have less than a bunny rabbit’s chance at a coyote’s all-you-can-eat Sunday buffet, of ever being POTUS. Mother’s little white boy is charisma-free toast. RamalamaDingDong can talk all the white supremacist, oligarchical trash he wants; he can lick Cheeto’s ass on live camera but he’s never, ever gonna win even one racist Republican redneck vote. 

 The press only quotes Rama because he’s the new Marge Trailer-Trash. He’s this year’s fresh, NEW Beer Cruz or Tiny-Schwantz Tuberville. They all spout insane shit because the media, like indiscriminate flies, eat it up. It gets them the attention they crave like twitchy meth addicts.

Honestly, who the fuck cares what’s going on between Mother’s Boy and the Fascist Ding Dong?

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