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Sunday, November 5, 2023


I had a dream that I was walking around Boston—from downtown to Back Bay and the South End. All of the buildings were architecturally on par with Boston’s central Public Library.

Exteriors were mostly all done up in Late Baroque style (think Palace of Versailles in Paris) with a few takes on High Baroque thrown in for good measure (picture Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute in Venice by way of Paul Klee, Brâncuși and, maybe, Dr. Seuss).

Interiors all sported murals by John Singer Sargent.

Was all the glorious, elaborate art and architecture the point of the dream? Fuck no. I was lost and trying to find my way…home. Maybe I got lost because the views were so distractingly awesome?
Another reason to not set foot in Alabama:
A couple in Alabama were arrested after the corpse of their 19-year-old son Logan was found wrapped up in a freezer by a new homeowner in their old residence. (source)
Just imagine it—you’ve bought a new home. It needs work (mostly cleaning?) before you can move in. During your spic-and-span-a-thon what do you find? A dead body. Awesome.
Blankenship (the county sheriff) told PEOPLE the deceased was receiving disability benefits due to his ongoing medical issues. (source)
So, what it looks like to me, Ma and Pa Halstead were fed up with taking care of their disabled son BUT they weren't sick of cashing his social security disability check each month. What to do? Off the kid, tell no one and move. Oopsie though—they forgot to get rid of the body before doing a runner. HEY, haven't we ALL forgotten to dispose of the decomposing body of a loved one we've iced before moving to new digs?

Halstead mom and pop have two other kids who are now in the care of the Alabama Department of Human Resources (whatever that is). Ya know, there are a lot of folks on this planet who shouldn’t be allowed to breed. Cheeto, naturally, tops the list but these ratfuckers def make the top ten.
Reason #5,000,034 why I’m glad that I, generally, only borrow books from the BPL now:

I was between ripping yarns and scanning the online library shelves. What did I find? A new series by an urban fantasy author that I like
...or so I thought.

What I failed to notice was that, instead of Jim Butcher, the writer was James Butcher. Guess what—James is Jim’s less talented son. To be fair to me and my powers of observation, the cover art was by the very SAME artist (or a damn good copier). Same font too.

The book starts in the same urban fantasy style as his father’s books but the main character’s every precious thought goes on encyclopedically for pages on end. The protagonist doesn’t seem to have any friends and I can see why—he’s a tragically dull, navel gazing bore.

Would James have gotten a book deal if not for his bestselling dad? Doubt it.

I only mention it but Joseph Hillström King is known by his pen name Joe Hill. Why? He wanted to make it based on his own talent rather than that of his father—Stephen King.

He did.

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