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Monday, November 6, 2023

Winter Is Coming

There’s no getting around it—winter is just about here. It’s dark and won’t even hit 50ยบ today.

I want to speak to the manager NOW!
Why are young people tearing down posters of Israeli hostages? Honestly, I don’t get it. How is this helping anyone—Palestinian or Israeli?

Are these radical flyer rippers bored with protesting the racist, misogynistic authoritarian lunacy of the Republi/Fascist party? How about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? Is being anti-Putin old hat? Is it no longer floating their freedom fighter boats?

The exchange between Johnny (Brando) and Mildred (Peggy Maley) in The Wild One, comes to mind.

Mildred : Hey Johnny, what are you rebelling against?
Johnny : Whaddaya got?
Is it impossible to keep in mind that there are a lot of innocents, both Israeli AND Palestinian, who are suffering (or dead)?
I need to cut myself slack. I didn’t do any balance exercises last week AND no walkies—just four elliptical days. Why is this? Hello! Two days of claustrophobia inducing MRIs (which involves a lot of stress and calm-me-down meds. Then there's the hangovers from each) ALSO a dear friend had major surgery (she came through brilliantly, BTW). I was WAY more anxious about that than I had anticipated.

So, I get it. Bad week but I can start over again today.
A regret—I never went to a show with my father. He was into Dylan, the Beatles, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Simon and Garfunkel and was open to a whole lot more. When I was growing up we’d go to folk festivals in upstate New York (while visiting Grandma and Grandpa).

Why didn’t we ever hit The Middle East, The Rat or T.T’s together? Dunno. There were only a few times that he visited without mother along (and she definitely would NOT have been into it). I suppose it just didn’t occur to me to suggest it.
Now that Mother’s boy has suspended his run for president…gosh, what are we left with?

Is Ron DeSatan still alive? He doesn’t seem to get much, if any, free airtime anymore. Did he run out of immigrants to fly to Martha’s Vineyard and Sacramento? It just occurred to me what Ronnie-boy looks like when he smiles and laughs—Harry the extraterrestrial in Resident Alien. Unlike Harry though, Ron’s still trying to learn how to pass as human.

What about Putin loving Vivek Ramalama-ding-dong? How many journalists has he bulldozed with his weak-sauce mansplaining this week? Any? None?

How about foreign pay-off loving Nikki Haley. She’s doing better in the polls than Ramalama-ding-dong but not by much. 

Don't forget, there are elections tomorrow. They're not, in most states, as exciting and sexy as presidential contests but they count. A LOT! Keep the book banners off school boards, racist judges and sheriffs out of office and stand the fuck up for equality!

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