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Sunday, December 24, 2023

Electric Avenue

Bad news on the home electricity front. The electrician was here until 2AM!!!! Ten is, naturally, exhausted.

The problem here in Valhalla by the Bay is that our wires, the whole system is impossibly old. Not surprising—I’ve lived here for 20 years and only had electricians come out twice for individual little problems. Also, I don’t know when or even IF the previous owner had a system upgrade. The house is more than 100 years old.

Sparky was able to rewire enough to get the heat working again. The the oven and fridge are functioning too. What we don’t have is illumination. Luckily, Jen and Oni used to be big time outdoors types and have loads of lanterns and such that we can use. This is good since our new electrician buddy won’t be back until TUESDAY. Yep. Tuesday. //groan, snivel, whine//

Far be it from me to have a major house catastrophe in late spring, summer or early autumn. Nope. Where’s the challenge, the fun quotient if you don’t do it in winter on Xmas weekend?

Cake was pretty freaked out about the stranger in the house and all the activity. He spent most of yesterday’s daylight hours curled up on the quilts. After dark? Our good old kitten was under the bed. I guess the house was way too dark and creepy for him. Poor little house panther.

Me? I stayed the fuck outta the way. Not getting underfoot is one of my more highly developed talents. Also, pissing, moaning and kvetching.

Electric AvenueEddie Grant

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