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Saturday, December 23, 2023


It’s Saturday and we’ve come awake to NO furnace action. It’s 26º outside, it's the weekend and two days before Xmas. What do you figure the odds are of us getting an electrician out here this morning? I’m guessing we’re fucked. 

Ten thinks maybe it’s just a busted circuit breaker which, to my totally unknowable bean, sounds like an easy fix. IF we can get an electrician to come out MAYBE we’ll be happy, toasty warm Valhallans before the day’s done.

Ten’s got the oven going and a space heater on so we’re not gonna freeze to death. Re: the oven—we switched from gas to electric so it’s safe to have it on and open. Yea us.

At least it’s just the furnace and not all the electricity that’s out.

I think I need a cookie now.

Randomly, I believe I need to come up with a new moniker for the criming 77 year old wannabe dictator. Given that his desperately vile, odoriferous personal hygiene is now a hot topic what should we call him?

  • Stanky Cheeto? 
  • Halitosis Hitler?
  • Putrid Pol Pot?
  • Full Diaper Don?
  • Stink Bomb Boy?

The Donald has a distinct smell that doesn’t really get enough press, it’s like body odor with kind of like a scented makeup products. But you can smell the hair products even outdoors.
~ Kathy Griffin in an interview on Mary Trump’s podcast

  • Malodorous Maybelline Man-Child?

One last bit about Stank Boy’s presentation—he seems to have gone from his usual tangerine foundation to a shit colored dark brown. Is the makeup putrefying on his face or is he attempting a reverse Michael Jackson (in a racist, sure-fire-fail effort to win over Black voters)? Does no one care enough about him to tell him he stinks (in every possible way), is a complete failure at makeup application, needs to get a new tailor and lose a significant amount of weight? How about his daughter-wife? Could she possibly clue him in to the fact that every time he opens his mouth he sounds, looks and smells like a pile of shit in a clown suit? Nope? Oh well—I guess he's reaped just what he's sowed.
Word for the Day:

a decoy entry in a dictionary or encyclopedia, secretly planted among the genuine entries to catch other publishers in the act of copying content.

  • Mountweazel comes from a fictitious entry in the fourth edition of the New Columbia Encyclopedia for Lillian Virginia Mountweazel.
  • Lillian Virginia Mountweazel, who supposedly died on assignment while covering an explosion for the fictitious Combustibles magazine, never existed. (source)

It's an ugly, bloody shame that Stank Cheeto isn't just a Mountweazel.

I'm gonna have to be brave and get out from under the covers now. You know, I'll put on warm clothes, a jacket and scarf. Maybe do 20 minutes on the elliptical and see if, by some miracle, Ten has located an electrician willing to come out and save us. A Christmas miracle maybe?

I only mention it but losing our heat, here in New England on one of the first days of winter, seems astoundingly on point.

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