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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Fringing, Biking and Hillel

Hillel is in Scotland right now. Primarily, he and his wife went for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

For three weeks in August, the city of Edinburgh welcomes an explosion of creative energy from around the globe. Artists and performers take to hundreds of stages all over the city, presenting shows for every taste. Venues can be anywhere, from existing theatres and concert halls to repurposed spaces like bars, parks, buses and shipping containers. The Fringe street events bring colour, excitement and vibrancy to outdoor areas, free of charge. (source)
Given that we’re talking about Hillel, he also took a bike tour along with friends from here at home. Along the route they saw the National Wallace Monument. William Wallace, in case you didn’t know, was a knight and leader in the resistance of English rule. He’s known for his courageous part in the First Scottish War of Independence. By the by, the movie Braveheart, the tale of Wallace’s heroics, is heavily fictionalized—not historically accurate.

I’m deeply envious of Hillel’s trip BUT:

  • I can’t stand crowds so the Fringe Fest, as appealing as it sounds, has always been a no-go for me. Also, deaf here, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy or appreciate all the theater and musical performances.
  • I can’t ride a bike (rat bastard Nf2 surgeries have, nearly completely, obliterated my ability to maintain stay upright).
In any case, here are some of the awesome pics which Hillel has texted so far.

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