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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Harris/Walz, LFG!!!

I’m really loving the celebratory tone and joy of the Harris/Walz ticket. Kamala’s amazing and the more I here about Tim, the more I love him.

At yesterday’s intro to Harris-Walz ticket, Walz, amongst other things, said:

“Some of us are old enough to remember when it was Republicans who were talking about freedom. It turns out now what they meant was that the government should be free to invade your doctor’s office. In Minnesota, we respect our neighbors and their personal choices that they make. Even if we wouldn’t make the same choice for ourselves, there’s a golden rule, ‘Mind your own damn business.’ ” (source)

The man is gold and a perfect running mate for Harris. This is a ticket that will govern with intelligence, facts, logic and humor (that doesn’t come at the expense of those of us who aren’t white, healthy and male). The focus will be on improving ALL American lives versus making the rich richer.

Speaking of which…that thundering chucklefuck (a John Scalzi-ism), that fascist presidential candidate with the emotional maturity of a 10 year old and vocabulary of a four year old, has a new nickname for his opponent, Vice President Harris. It’s Kamabla. 

He’s really off his old bully boy game. I truly don’t get what he’s trying to convey. This choice of a, theoretically, insulting nickname is just weird. More than anything it suggests that the desperate old man is glitching again. At this point, isn’t his dementia close to full bloom. He probably believes his mangling mockery of her name is every bit as keenly sharp-witted and hilarious as his utterly lame, too often repeated
Hannibal Lector “joke."

Meanwhile, JD Couch-Fucker is apparently now campaigning for Harris. I get it—even Dolphin Porn Boy knows that he and the old orange albatross are the abso-fucking-lutely WRONG choice for America.

Oh wait…the word obscured by the rally attendees heads is “chaos.” This is a failed attempt by the Ridiculous Right to conflate Kamala with turmoil and lawlessness. Hah! Just more projection from the doomed Hypocrisy Party.

Nice try at an alliterative slam on your opponent, you batshit buffoons.

Then there’s Trump’s little handmaiden, his fellow thieving grifter and incompetent businessman, E-loon MusKKK.

X today filed a lawsuit against a group of major advertisers for allegedly conspiring to withhold advertising dollars from the social media platform...
The suit, filed in federal court in Texas, says dozens of advertisers followed the recommendation of a key advertising coalition, Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM), to boycott buying ads on X since Musk bought the company. The suit says this turn of events cost the company billions of dollars in revenue.
So, a major player in the party which historically cheers free markets, (an economic system based on supply and demand with little or no government control), is now suing companies who’ve decided it’s no longer appealing or profitable to advertise on his Nazi enabling hell site. He wants to make it illegal for big companies NOT to advertise on his site.

I only mention it but Space Karen immigrated from South Africa. Perhaps this is one immigrant we should send back. After all, he’s an extremely wealthy white man—he wouldn’t suffer a lick of discrimination or economic hardship in the country where he was born and raised.

Maybe he could take the sofa assaulter and the old albatross with him! Me? I'm sticking around here for the joy.

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