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Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Orange Albatross

The OLD, makeup plastered, convicted felon is running scared.

He’s chickened out of the already agreed to ABC debate and proposed one on the Right Wing propaganda "entertainment" channel. The Orange Chicken has stated that, unlike ABCs debate, there will be NO fact checking, he’ll have a "full arena audience” (i.e., raging MAGAts) and he’s picked out his own toadies, emmm “moderators.”

By the by, Fox has not responded to reporter’s queries as to whether they actually offered to put on this thinly disguised Trump rally masquerading as a debate.

Curious. It’s as though the dementia riddled, old, orange asshole needs a binky (the freedom to outlandishly lie) and his security blanket (cheering crowds) or he can’t function. I only mention it but, even with binky and blanket he can’t function properly.
David Plouffe, an adviser to former President Barack Obama who recently joined the Harris campaign, posted on social media:"Now, he seems only comfortable in a cocoon, asking his happy place Fox to host a Trump rally and call it a debate. Maybe he can only handle debating someone his own age.”

Trump is 78, and Harris is 59.

No, he can't even handle that.

Also, I imagine he feels it’s beneath him to debate a Black woman (or, honestly, ANY woman). Really, he’s scared shitless to debate an accomplished former prosecutor, attorney general and Vice President.
Following Trump's speech, the Harris campaign released a statement by Geoff Duncan, the Republican lieutenant governor of Georgia from 2019 to 2023 and a vocal Trump critic.
"If you were able to see through Donald Trump's incoherence and vindictiveness tonight, you saw a Donald Trump who does not care about uniting this country or speaking to the voters who will decide this election," Duncan said
. (source)
If Chicken Trump was a dish, what would it be? 300 pounds of greasy, fabulating meat, marinated in orange jelly and Aquanet with a side of worm infested, expired brain matter.

Yeah, it doesn’t get ordered much.

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