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Friday, August 9, 2024

We’re not going back!

So, Don the Con held a “press conference” yesterday. What a ridiculous farce.

He can't afford to hold rallies anymore—all the donations from his faithful cult and those lovely, lovely RNC dollars are, theoretically, going toward paying off his mondo legal fees. Maybe. Possibly, the money’s just being funneled straight into Saudi Arabian or Russian bank accounts. Once he loses in November, I don’t how welcome he’ll be in either country though.

In any case, the old sundowning fraudster can't survive without attention and adulation. What’s a desperate narcissist to do? Why, he can just ring-a-ding up his mainstream media buds and throw a rally without having to leave the comfort of his tacky golf motel and home for plastic surgery addicts. MSM, naturally, came running.

What scoops did they get? Nothing new. He treated them to the same old ripe weasel shit. Kamala Harris is stoopid, not really Black and only got the Dem nomination because she’s Black and has a vagina. Oh and he’s also really cheesed off that her and Walz are more popular.
"I've spoken to the biggest crowds. Nobody's spoken to crowds bigger than me," he said.
"If you look at Martin Luther King when he did his speech, his great speech, and you look at ours, same real estate, same everything, same number of people. If not, we had more," he said.
An estimated 10,000 people came onto Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, according to records.

‘lil Donnie Dipshit’s claiming the number of his cultists, who answered his call to come overthrow democracy, to the approximately 200,000 individuals who came to see Martin Luther King Jr. deliver his 'I Have a Dream' speech at 1963’s March on Washington.

Fuckface von ShitzenPantz will never see the numbers that Harris and Walz get. Why not? Trump’s little whinge-fests are stale as hell. He’s got nothing new to say. All he does is whine and bitch about the same old, same old. How many times can even the most simpleminded of his fans listen to his tired Hannibal Lector joke or his I’m-being-treated-SO-unfairly complaints? Is this whiny-ass motherfucker really all that and a bag of chips? No.

Meanwhile, 12,000 people came to the Harris/Walz rally in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. The rally in Detroit drew 15,000. Harris and Walz bring hope, joy, laughter, intelligence, experience and competence to the table.

The United Auto Workers president, Shawn Fain, who appeared on stage before Harris in Detroit, called her “a badass woman who stood on the picket line with striking workers” and praised Walz as one of the union’s top picks for vice-president.

“He’s one of us. He’s a working-class guy. He knows working-class values,” Fain said. “Best of all, he’s a proud union member.”

Fain called Trump “a lapdog for the billionaire class” and “a scab”, prompting the Detroit crowd to chant: “He’s a scab! He’s a scab!” (source)

 I’ll take hope, joy, smarts and forward progress for us all over doom, hate and tax cuts for the wealthy any day.

We’re not going back!

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