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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Why I’m On Team Orca

Yesterday afternoon a motorboat (a mini-yacht) rammed a sailboat just off the coast from Valhalla.

The U.S. Coast Guard said they responded to a collision between a 21 foot sailboat and a 38 foot power boat along with the Quincy and Weymouth harbormasters.

Authorities believe the power boat was heading away from Hingham into the main channel and struck a 21 foot sail boat.

What appears to be blood is visible on the back of the motorboat.

The crash submerged the sailboat, leaving only the top of its mast and the tip of the bow visible above the waterline.

A source says the motorboat struck the sailboat, and a man and woman on board the sailboat both suffered serious injuries, apparently hit by the other boat's propeller. (source)

It’s not obvious from this pic but the sailboat was cut in half. The light craft had the right of way and boats are supposed to go slow as they travel through the channel. Plus, it wasn’t a busy day on the water. This wasn’t a fast, crowded situation so HOW did a motorboat manage to ram a sailboat hard enough to split it in two? Surely they saw the ketch, right? Were the entitled mini-yacht twats drunk and speeding through the channel? Did they think the sailboat could/would quickly move out of the bullyboy motorboat’s way? Did they think at all?

On land this would be the equivalent of one of thos big-ass SUVs slamming a bicycle. Dangerous ASSHOLES!

I only mention it but an orca wouldn’t do this. They’ll fuck with your big-ass, polluting, rich-fuck toy but they don’t kill or maim the joyriders or the shits at the helm. 

Speaking of my whaley friends, did you read about this imbecilic, shitheelian rat bastard (not to diss rats or actual bastards, mind you)?

A Bellingham, Washington, man has agreed to pay a $1,000 civil penalty after a nearby wildlife videographer recorded his 51-foot recreational vessel passing through a pod of killer whales on the west side of San Juan Island in 2022. (source

Motherfucker piloted his stupid look-at-how-rich-and-insecure-I-am little yacht straight through a pod of orcas. The whales were AT HOME chilling, not bothering anyone and this miscreant plows right through them. How many were injured? Did he kill any of them? Does he think his miniature schwanz looks bigger now that he’s terrorized and possibly murdered and/or maimed his fellow mammals?

Also, he’s fined a measly grand? This entitled shitstain should have his dick substitute confiscated and the fine should be 10 times larger.

Undoubtedly, both of these boat-fuckers are Trump supporters. I mean, they’re rich, feel entitled and are reckless bloody bullies. Fuck them boats and their owners too!

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