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Sunday, August 18, 2024

They Say It’s My Birthday

Maybe it’s your birthday too, yeah?

Not unexpectedly, I’m feeling old. Part of that is because I AM old. Another bit is due to the fact that I’m having a real struggle getting back in shape after the last brain surgery.

I managed to walk a quarter of a mile yesterday. The day before that I walked half a mile. That’s really not bad at all but it’s been 12 weeks, almost three months, since my last brain surgery. I should be farther down the recovery road. There’s been progress, just not as much as I’d expected or hoped.

I’m reading Douglas AdamsThe Restaurant at the End of the Universe right now. Time travel is involved which naturally leads me to wonder—if I could go back to when I was 18, what advice would I give myself? Mind you, the world looked very different in 1976 than it does now BUT some tips and general suggestions would be helpful.

Such as:

  • Take some technical skills type classes so you can get a job that pays better than minimum wage when you get out of college. Learn how to type at the very least.
  • Think more. Be more introspective—become self-aware. While you’re at it, build some self-confidence. Also, develop more empathy. Walk a mile in other people’s footwear before pronouncing judgement.
  •  Remember that a lot of folks are just as confused (and possibly insecure) as you are about social interactions. 
  •  If you feel someone has treated you poorly, ask them why they said or did the offensive words/acts. Maybe there’s been a misunderstanding. Maybe the person is unaware that what they did/said was obnoxious and unappreciated. Maybe the offender just needs to be called out and shamed publicly. You won’t know until you dig deeper. Maybe an asshole is just an asshole—it’s okay to just walk away from them.
  •  Take yoga and/or tai chi classes—you’re gonna need those balance lessons after your vestibular nerves are severed during Baby's first bean slice-up at the tender age of 23.
  •  Spend your 20s going to all the live music clubs and all the parties. So what that Stan doesn’t want to go—go by yourself and make friends. You won’t become deaf until you’re 46—get all that music in while you can. (to be fair to myself, I did get out more once Stan and I split AND I spent most of my 30s in the clubs)
  •  Play your flute regularly even if scales is all you do. It’s meditative and there will come a time when you are no longer able to form an embouchure.
  • Take language classes. Become fluent in American Sign Language, German, Spanish and French.

Life is an evolutionary journey. I’ve learned and grown a LOT in these past bazillion decades. I’ve now made it past the average age of death for people who have neurofibromatosis type 2 (my lovely rare disease). I’m not able to do anywhere near as much BUT I’m not dead yet. I'm still here. I've survived.

This is good. If the rain holds off today, I’ll attempt another half mile walk. I’ll have some birthday carrot cake too.

"A learning experience is one of those things that says, 'You know that thing you just did? Don't do that.’"
~ Douglas Adams

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