Really now, I’m truly done with this practically zero degree, dry as the Mojave, Wizard of Oz house-lifting wind speed days. Just getting from the Y parking lot to my physical therapy appointment needs to count as a serious workout.

By the by, yesterday’s session went great. Though she’s having me do many of the same exercises I’ve done after my previous five surgeries, Amy’s really challenging me (in an effective and crackerjack way). She explains the why and how of each routine so I understand which muscles I’m strengthening, how my endurance is being increased, and how it all effects my balance. The more I understand, the more motivated I become. Also, she’s a great cheerleader.
I certainly didn’t expect things to turn out this splendidly after that unfortunate session in mid-December. I’m glad (of fucking course) that it has.
In the news...I expect you’ve heard or read the latest about Neil Gaiman. It’s bad—disgustingly so. If you’re not a New York magazine subscriber, you can read the article here. I’m not sure this is the full piece but, honestly, I did NOT need to read any more of the heinously ugly details.
My takeaways?
1) Gaiman was raised in the Scientology cult and was severely damaged by it. He hasn’t worked through all (any?) of his trauma and, combined with his celebrity power position, became a significant abuser. Apart from the fact that Gaiman has actual talent, I’m reminded of a certain abusive waste of oxygen who will shortly be the first felon president.
2) Gaiman’s main victim isn’t perfect. That is, she’s human. She came from a background of neglect and abuse making her his perfect prey. People who were abused as children are more likely to be abused as an adult.
If the connection between abuse and "love" is made early in life, the feelings of shame and anger, which naturally happen as a consequence of the abuse, can become mixed up with sexual feelings, leading to confusion in the person who experienced the abuse. (source)I sincerely hope she’s found peace and is healing.
3) What about Amanda Palmer? I’ve seen multiple comments on Threads and Bluesky saying that she was as bad as Ghislaine Maxwell. While there are myriad reasons to dislike Palmer I find this comparison reductive, lazy, and a mammoth example of hyperbole. She could have and should have done things differently but she's nowhere near Maxwell's villainous level.
The New York Mag/Vulture article mentions that Palmer declined to speak with New Zealand police after Gaiman’s main victim filed a report. That’s bad (the case couldn’t proceed without Palmer’s cooperation) but I imagine she had some serious reasons. I just hope she, not Gaiman, has custody of their 10 year old son. That kid should get some expert therapy so he doesn’t grow up to be like dear old dad.
If nothing else, the Gaiman horror story took my mind off the incoming democracy destroyers—the kleptocratic, totalitarian, utterly incompetent, oligarchic plutocrats.
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