When I was seven we lived on the corner of Butler Ave. and Waterman St. in Providence, Rhode Island. I remember two things about that year.
It was 1965, the year of the Great Northeast Blackout. On a late November afternoon — already dark outside at 5:00 PM — the power failed. Everywhere. My father came home from class, picked up a flashlight and went across the street to buy candles at the grocery store with its’ aisles lit by candles and flashlights. That night we had dinner by candlelight which I found fabulously romantic and exciting.
This was also the year the Beatles movie Help!
came out. I was psyched when my mother took my older sister and I to
the theater to see this. Mega excited. And then...totally confused. Why
were all these girls, (college girls -- the theater was on the campus of
Brown), standing up, even standing on the seats, shrieking and
screaming? I couldn’t hear the film at all -- how could they? And they were blocking my
view of the screen too!
Random Bit #2:Trains — there should be more trains.
There used to be trolley service from downtown Quincy, Massachusetts to Hough’s Neck, where The Amazing Bob and I live. Now there’s a bus. I hate buses.
And....Hey you kids, get off my lawn!
Random Bit #3:
I’m, generally, a pragmatic sort. There ought to be a superhero for that — The Caped Pragmatist or Pragmatic Woman: able to leap tall buildings in 10 easy steps. Marvel Comics will be knocking on my door with large buckets of dough shortly. I feel quite certain of this. I should have a great superhero costume too. Now that I think of it though, being Pragmatic Woman and all, the costume would have to be comprised of sensible shoes, comfortably roomy slacks and T-shirt all in darker tones so as to hide potential blood stains of vanquished evil doers. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Random Bit #4:Aunt Mary Ann, my father’s sister, started buying me books from the Anne of Green Gables series when I was 7. I was completely sucked into the world of late 19th century Prince Edward Island. Hell, I wanted to be an orphan living on a farm in Avonlea, PEI (sadly, a fictitious locale).
Random Bit #5: I’m deaf not disabled. Being deaf in a hearing environment is an inconvenience at worst (not being able to hear anything) and a cause for peace (as in peace and quiet) and hilarity at best. Peace and hilarity are always good things. Didn't Elvis Costello have a song about that? I'm fairly certain of this.
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