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Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday Cat and Haiku Blogging

Coco's on duty, watching out for interlopers
While Rocco guards the porch
We had a good doc week -- me sliding through my MRI and Coco acing her yearly check up. She was a good, tranquil-ish, uncomplaining girl -- even when the vet took her temperature with a thermometer UP HER BUTT!

There are forehead thermometers, ear thermometers and thermometer strips but my poor kitten has to take it up her little keester?

Yep, she got extra treats when we got home.

Had this been B.O.P. or Rotten Ralf, well, the hitchhiker scene in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre would have been tame in comparison.

So, happy rainy Friday!

Spring Rain -- Matsuo Basho

Spring rain
leaking through the roof
      dripping from the wasps’ nest.

A Cold Rain Starting -- Matsuo Basho  

A cold rain starting
And no hat --

Spring Air -- Matsuo Basho  

Spring air —
woven moon
      and plum scent.

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