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Friday, January 9, 2015

Terror is Terror

I'm just 29,000 kinds of tired of folks slamming Islam as though the religion itself holds the patent on terrorism. YES there ARE "Islamic" terrorists just as there are "Christian" terrorists. What was/is the KKK if not a home grown, "Christian" terrorist organization?

 From a post at The Inquisitr:
Even as the Black Lives Matter” protest movement grows in size, the KKK has been expanding and is said to be targeting Afghanistan war veterans who have recently come home to the United States. The KKK has been attempting to portray themselves as not being a hate group, with KKK leaders suggesting the Ku Klux Klan could partner with African Americans for the KKK fight against illegal immigrants. One Montana Klan leader even claimed the “new” KKK wanted racial diversity, saying, “White supremacy is the old Klan. This is the new Klan.” 
 Rebranding — the Klan's attempting to rebrand themselves!
"The ‘potential person of interest’ sought by the FBI is described by agents as ‘a Caucasian male, approximately 40 years of age, and balding. He may be driving a 2000 or older model dirty, white pick-up truck with paneling, a dark colored bed liner, open tailgate, and a missing or covered license plate.'"
Angry, white and presumably "Christian" not Jewish, not Hindu, not Islamic.

John Cole in an open thread on Balloon Juice:
I’ve been really depressed about the reaction to the Charlie Hebdo attack. There is a strong correlation between the people who wet themselves over the War on Christmas and the ones who seem oddly eager to show solidarity by changing their facebook/twitter avatars to Charlie Hebdo icons; slacktivism at its worst. It’s one thing to do what those cartoonists did under the scrutiny of those guys (even if I didn’t find the cartoons particularly clever or interesting, but rather kind of base in the same way Piss Christ was), but it’s quite another to show all your comfortable friends who aren’t going to behead you or shoot you for showing support for them. In other words, it takes no balls and really says nothing to change your avatar, because there are no terrorists following you to be upset. And if there are, why?
Jim Wright on his Facebook page :
You know, as horrific as this most recent act of terrorism is, reading various comments from prominent US figures responding to the event, I find it amusing how many staunchly conservative American politicians are suddenly huge fans of ultra-liberal French socialist satire.
Wait until they find out Charlie Hebdo routinely mocked ALL religions, including and especially Ted Cruz's own evangelical Christianity. In fact, the attached picture is from Charlie Hedbo's current twitter issue - my French is a little rusty (okay, it wasn't all that great to begin with and now it's corroded beyond recognition), but that sure looks like Petit Jesus shooting out of a Mad Magazine Virgin Mary.
I suspect that in the coming days, after they've finished using this event to justify warrantless wiretapping and militarization of the police and their attempts to blame Obama for the attack (and in Trump's case, advocating for arming French society in detail), they'll quietly scrub their twitter accounts the same way they did following Bowe Bergdahl's release - which they all first cheered and then condemned.
The part I like best is how they've managed to make a terrorist attack against a French newspaper all about America.
In comparison, I wonder how much press this’ll get
3 Rome (Georgia, USA) men now face domestic terrorism charge
Peace, Cannon and Williamson — all members of a militia in Georgia — participated in online chat discussions between Jan. 23 and Feb. 15, 2014, that were monitored by the FBI.
During the conversations online, they discussed using guerilla war tactics and planned to launch attacks against a metro Atlanta police station and several government agencies in February 2014.
The three men attempted to “recruit other individuals to join them and to carry out similar operations in those individuals’ home states.”
Peace allegedly told other militia members to choose targets including “road blocks, TSA checkpoints, sheriffs/police conducting operations outside the Constitution” as well as to participate in the “removal of government people who support extra-Constitutional activities.”
Oh but look — these boys are WHITE and I’ll betcha dollars to donuts these fellas aren’t Muslim. So then, just bad apples...right?

Terrorism is terrorism no matter the color OR religion of the perp...right? Right?!

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