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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Cats and Words

Rocco's latest hang spot is, yes, in our bed. He's awfully partial to my side of the bed, just south of my stack of pillows.

Have you noticed? He's always, in pics, got this glare, this stone don't-fuck-with-me look look on his handsome visage. You'd never know that he's the biggest, schmooziest baby.

Last night, as he lay sprawled out, snoring at my side, I flashed back to this time last year with the elaborate hobo palace that I'd constructed in my attempts to keep him (and his brothers in feral-dom) snow free and out of the bitter, driving wind. Christ on kibble, it's good to have him inside!

And then there's our sweet princess, Coco. She's not keen on Rocco being in the bed. That had been her domain—one of many. The entire house was her territory actually. She kindly shared with us, perhaps this was in payment for all the Fancy Feast and pats.

Here she is in her high tower looking all serious and aloof. I tried to bring her to bed last night—she used to sleep on my belly each night—but she was in an uncompromising mood. As uszh. Apart from her Rocco avoidance, she's her usual let's-play-ALL-the-time kitten-ish self. You'd never guess it from that Garbo-eque mien.
A coupla word quibbles this morning.
Doctors placed her in a medically induced coma and a statement from the Houston family this week said she was fighting for her life.
How can she be “fighting for her life” if she’s in a coma? Isn’t fighting a kind of active verb? Isn’t a coma sort of a passive thing? Mirriam Webster seems to think so.
1:  a state of profound unconsciousness caused by disease, injury, or poison
2:  a state of mental or physical sluggishness :  torpor
Flawiest? ‘the fuck?
This is an honest to Bast Words with Friends accepted word. Flawiest. Really? I scored 65 points with that sucker and I dirty. And I ask you—why is flawiest OK but stoveish, plodly and jerksy aren’t? Yes, I’m once again making up words and seeing what sticks, what passes the censor's notice.

And, while I’m at it, how come formal names like Japan and Pawnee are cool but Stephen is not? I coulda scored so BIG with that name!

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