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Saturday, October 31, 2015


NO, not me and The Amazing Bob—we’re stuck together with super glue, steel bolts and industrial cable. And sugar and spice, unicorn snot and fairy dust too. Oh yes we are!

You know that whole in sickness and in health riff in the wedding vows? TAB and I are getting our money's worth. Mind you, we lived in sin (so much glorious sinning!) for at least half of our nearly 30 years (so far!) together so we got to test-run the Sickness/Health precept before scrawling our John Hancocks. There was one brain surgery (mine), one ginormous back cutterage (mine) and one heart attack (his). So then, we had a few practice runs. Ya know, just to make sure and all.

As with all those tediously long Terms and Conditions things that most of us never bother to read before clicking I Agree, not everyone who says I Do actually listens to what those marriage vows actually entail.

A friend, who also has the big bad Nf2 told me about her ex—he didn’t want to be married to a deaf woman. What the giant slime covered FUCK?! The loathsome ex spoke those words “in sickness and in health." He made that declaration in front of witnesses even. And yet, when reality hit, he was all nope, that clause, that promise doesn't count. I had my fingers crossed beind my back. (he didn't actually say that but he may as well have)

Look, having Nf2’s no walk through the Public Garden on a brilliant spring day BUT, with good docs, proper care and diligence, it’s not the worst thing evah. Really!

I’ve been deaf for almost 11 years now. As I’ve written here before, I miss music something fierce. Face to face communication, whether it’s with hearing people or deafies, is a struggle—enervating even. I'm not fluent in sound or sign. BUT TAB and I make do. We push on. We’re all flexible and up for life’s challenges like that and shit.

The pile of rotted blobfish excrement who didn’t want to be married to a deaf woman? Dude, you so need to gain a better understanding of what it means to be in a relationship. It’s not all about you and your goddamned comfort and joy!

I knew another woman who’s mother had Nf2. There's 50/50 odds of offspring inheriting this thrilling fun-time condition yet the babe refused to be examined. Warum? Her husband told her that if you have it, I’m leaving. What’d she do, faced with this flyspeck brained moron’s pronouncement? She didn’t get checked AND she went on to have four children with this narcissistic atrocity. IF she’d had Nf2 the pregnancies would’ve triggered big growth spurts in the neuromas which could/would lead to a zillion and one half totally nasty-ass results. Oh and she woulda passed Nf2 on to two of her four future bairn to boot.

As far as I know, she never did have the test done. It’s unlikely she has Nf2 since, from what I understand, she’s not dead yet. Wouldn’t it have been nice to know the diagnosis before she made the choice to have all those kids. Before she took the risk?

I'll never understand why she didn't leave the jerk three seconds after he'd made such a spectacularly egotistical, icily heartless, callous statement. I wonder what his threshold for spouse illin’ was. Common cold’s OK as long as she can still make him a sammich and fetch his beer but it best not develop into the flu?

I doubt that either of these gents understand the concept of karma OR, for that matter, Newton’s Third Law.  I hope they die alone.
Tammy Wynette—D-I-V-O-R-C-E

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