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Saturday, September 28, 2024


You may have noticed that comments on this blog don’t appear as soon as you hit “publish.” There’s a reason for that—awhile ago I turned on comment moderation. I review comments before they can be posted. This means that scammers, spammers and assholes who want to use my blog as a platform for their self-aggrandizing polemics don't get a free pass.

I’m talking about Bernie Bros. Sanders isn’t running but the Bros still exist. These condescending, myopic, insecurely overcompensating, online bullies did more to kill Sanders presidential campaign than Bernie (and his not ready for head of state record) himself. Inspiring rhetoric does not beat an intelligent action packed CV. His fanbois' bullying and frat boy assholedom smothered Sanders' message.

What do we call these people now that their hero is no longer a national spoiler?

These, usually young, privileged white men are theoretically well intentioned but have serious anger management issues. They seem to have zero ability to walk a mile in anyone else’s footwear but feel they know more about everyone else’s existence than the persons themselves. For them, all the world’s issues and troubles can be placed neatly into tidy, easily solved and sorted, unambiguous boxes.

These dudes get a stiffy every time they condescendingly scold others (especially women and minorities) for:

  • not believing exactly the same things as them
  • refusing to cast symbolic “purity” votes for Bernie, Jill Stein or their leftist hero du jour
  • daring to have even the slightest of nuanced takes on the Middle East
  • not wildly applauding their absurdly reductive Burn It All Down rhetoric

Congratulations fuckheads, you’ve completely failed at persuading me (and other rational folk) of the validity of your supposed argument. You clowns have done precisely the opposite of gaining more supporters/believers. Please go back to your little circle jerk and continue wanking off to Bernie’s greatest hits.

These vastly immature fairy tale believers are either extreme social failures with less than no ability to debate and/or sell their half baked, simplistic, sound bite driven ideas OR they’re big Trump/Project 2025 fans, masquerading as extreme leftists in order to reduce votes for Harris and make the felonious, on-the-take, orange rapist more palatable.

Whichever they are, they don’t get to onanistically bloviate on Tell Me A Story. Nope.

This, THIS is why I have comment moderation in place.


  1. Sorry to hear you were getting hit with spammers. That is always such a hassle.

    1. Thank you. The spammers are annoying; the Bros are annoying and a sad example of humanity.
